Profitable Promotions


Now available on demand.

Having a sale of your art might be unpalatable.

It feels as if you are cheapening the work you put so much effort into, and I get it.

But having a sale doesn’t have to mean discounting the work. 

There is a time for having a sale ... and a reason for doing so.

With the holidays near and looking ahead to the first of the New Year,  maybe it’s time for you to consider a promotion to bring in more income.

This is for you if …

Having a sale of your art might be for you if you’re tired of running a storage facility and would like for more people to live with your art!

Important—> Any discounts shouldn’t be on your newest work.

Are you ready to add to your income?


Access the workshop recording, notes, and handouts immediately.


This workshop is included in Essentials for Artist Success, my comprehensive business-building  program that has so much more to augment your art-marketing efforts. 


You’ll learn …

Woman typing


After we emailed, I did what you told me to do and within 17 hours I sold a painting—as a DIRECT result of what you suggested.

It was so instant, it creeped me out.

Thank you, Alyson!!!


Painting of a feather by Rebecca Finch


It’s ready for you now!

Wanna find new homes for older work?


Access the workshop recording, notes, and handouts immediately.


This workshop is included in Essentials for Artist Success, my comprehensive business-building  program that has so much more to augment your art-marketing efforts. 


A Sale of Your Art Doesn't Have to Mean a Discount!

Discounting is the most common and often easiest way to have a sale, but there are other options that might be better for your situation.


I doubled my income in 2023, which I attribute to being a part of your Accelerator program, the lessons in Essentials, and hard work.”


Paining by Cynthia K. Reid

It's helpful if you have ...

Much of this workshop is applicable whether your sale is in person or online, but … importantly … our focus will be online sales

Because of this, it will be most helpful for you to have the following for your profitable promotion:

  1. An inventory of older work you’d like to place in forever homes
  2. An email list on an email marketing platform
  3. An active social media account to drive more traffic to your list (if this is of interest)
  4. An updated website with a shopping cart where you can collect payments

This Workshop Includes

Live Sessions

You’re more likely to learn when you set aside the time and show up for the live session on November 14. (PAST)

And … You’ll get the most from this workshop if you show up live and can get your questions answered. And, yet, we know that’s not always possible. That’s why >>> 



Did you miss the live workshop? 

Want to rewatch portions? Speed it up? Slow it down? No worries.

Watch again and again or download and keep forever. Video and audio.



Try out our Art Biz Connection community for just $1 for the first month.

The Connection is where you can go to find answers, get accountability, and join live gatherings with artists around the world.



I can’t teach you how to have a profitable promotion without giving you a comprehensive list of tasks to help you get and stay organized throughout a very busy time. Areas include preparation, marketing, fulfillment, and wrap-up.

Everything is yours to download and keep forever! ✨ See bonuses below.

Thursday, November 14 @ 2pm Eastern (New York)

Yes! It’s recorded.
Everything is yours to download and keep forever! ✨ See bonuses below.

Bonuses for having a sale of your art

Bonus #1

Email Templates

The success of your sale hinges on emailing your list, but you can’t send the same message over and over. 

You’ll get 6 email templates to customize for your situation.

Bonus #2

Segmenting Your List

You can’t have a proper sale without making sure that your promotion is targeting the right people. 

To increase your chances of success with your sale, I’m throwing in a separate lesson: SEGMENTING YOUR LIST. 

Thinking about a sale of your art?


Access the workshop recording, notes, and handouts immediately.


This workshop is included in Essentials for Artist Success, my comprehensive business-building  program that has so much more to augment your art-marketing efforts. 


Hi. I'm Alyson Stanfield.

I come from an old-school art history and museum background that tries to ignore the ties between art and commerce. 

It’s ridiculous! Art prices and the whole market are closely tied to the rest of the economy—ignore money at your peril.

Above all, I want my clients to be empowered and profitable. 

To date, I have only taught Profitable Promotions: How to Have a Sale of Your Art to my private clients and coaching groups. 

Now, I’m spilling the beans for anyone who wants to hear. 

I hope you’ll join me for this special webinar if it’s right for you.

I’m the host of The Art Biz podcast, author of I’d Rather Be in the Studio: The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion, leader of the Art Biz Connection community of ambitious artists. Questions? Just shoot me an email.

Alyson's signature
Photo of Alyson Stanfield, Art Biz Success


I can’t promise that you’ll sell out of inventory or make thousands of dollars, but I do promise that I will work very hard to get you organized for a profitable promotion. No surprises! I have outlined everything on this page. 


Ready for you now!

FAQs for this Workshop

Please note that, while much of the workshop content is applicable to in-person sales, our focus will be on online sales.


You provide so much valuable information and support, and in such a way that shows you and your staff really care. You lay out the steps to take, pitfalls to manage along the way, and continual support making it easier for me to follow through.

It’s up to artists to do this work, as you remind us, but you carefully explain detailed information and in a variety of formats, even providing worksheets. I’ve participated in other webinars and worked previously with business coaches but your programs rank far above them.


Watercolor painting by Laura Bethmann

I'd love to help lighten your inventory.


Access the workshop recording, notes, and handouts immediately.


This workshop is included in Essentials for Artist Success, my comprehensive business-building  program that has so much more to augment your art-marketing efforts. 


I'd love to help lighten your inventory.

Live on November 14

Recordings available asap following the live session.


This workshop is included in Essentials for Artist Success, my comprehensive business-building  program that has so much more to augment your art-marketing efforts. 


Questions? Email us.

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