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How to Respond to Donation Requests gives you a process for crafting a donation policy along with exact wording from other artists.
8-page special report FREE with opt-in.
You’ll also receive my almost-weekly news for your art business.
I believe that the artist’s life is a calling rather than a business or career.
Still, there is a realization that in order to keep going, you have to pay attention to things like income, expenses, and opportunities.
That’s where I come in.
I am tough. I have high expectations for my artist-clients. But I’m also reasonable and will never ask you to take on more than I believe you’re capable of.
I am experienced. Over the course of the last two decades I’ve worked with thousands of artists, and I believe I’ve heard it all. I’m very clear on who is a good fit for a coaching partnership with me.
I see possibilities in you and for you, and am able to pinpoint the next steps for you to take.
I can help you create reliable business systems that serve as a strong foundation for your growth.
I understand that some things about running an art business are scary, unappealing, or downright repugnant. We’ll hold our noses, pray, and power through them together. And maybe get some therapy in the process.
My first promise is that I won’t make outrageous promises. I’ve done the hype in the past and it felt icky. As you’ll read if you keep going down the page, I have given up marketing tactics that appeal to your fears. I prefer to be able to look at myself in the mirror, silver hair and all.
I will always tell the truth, but I’ll do my best to be kind in case it might sting.
My second promise is that I promise to be fair.
My third promise is that I promise to listen to understand.
A few of the lovely cards I’ve received from artists over the years. I call it my Wall of Love.
I am a former museum curator and educator. Though I started undergraduate school as a painting major, I preferred art history. My master’s thesis was Milton Avery and Naive Primitivism. Upon its completion, I had hoped to never have to write again, but look at me now. I wrote a book (in 4 editions)!
Before grad school, I worked for a bit in Washington, D.C. as a Senator’s secretary, legislative correspondent, and aide. My picture was on the cover of the NY Times while there!
I am originally from Oklahoma City, and have lived in Colorado with my husband and his-and-her cats since 2002. We love to hike, but the cats prefer to stay at home when we do.
My creative outlets are cooking, baking, gardening, and a bit of fiber art.
I am an unapologetic liberal and will speak up when I see injustice or inequality. We’ve been silent too long.
I believe that equal rights are human rights.
I believe that Black and Brown Lives Matter.
I believe that women artists deserve a much bigger place in art history than they have (and should command prices on par with that of their male counterparts).
I believe that everyone deserves to be heard as long as they will also listen.
I live on land that is part of the traditional territories and ancestral homelands of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Ute.
Pronouns: she/her
Human Design: Projector
Myers-Briggs: INFJ
Fascinate: The Talent
Enneagram: 3
Strengths Finder 2.0: Responsibility, Significance, Futurist
Dogs or cats, you asked? Cats all the way. 🐈 Meow.
I try to promote Art Biz Success programs and my consulting with the utmost integrity.
I will never inject fear or false scarcity into my marketing.
I also provide very low finance fees for payment plans.
Sent every week or two. Includes new articles, available programs, and episodes of The Art Biz podcast.
How to Respond to Donation Requests gives you a process for crafting a donation policy along with exact wording from other artists.
8-page special report FREE with opt-in.
You’ll also receive my almost-weekly news for your art business.