ESSENTIALS for Artist Success

Thank you for checking out my premier art-marketing program—the product of many years in the art business and continued research about what’s relevant to artists today.

I want you to have coaching, strategies, community, and support as you focus on honing the skills you need to market your art, establish your professionalism, and increase your visibility.

I’m confident I can provide that for you in this program. 

For beginning and emerging artists.

It’s also for you if you have been neglecting your art business, if you have a new direction, or if you need to reconsider how you have been marketing your art.

You will accumulate a solid base of knowledge and put much of it into place—working for you and boosting your confidence for better business and life decisions.

A Season for Focusing on Shows & Sales

Our focus through December is:

  • Making an action plan to keep your goals top of mind.
  • Preparing to make the most of opportunities around the holidays—getting organized and avoiding overwhelm.
  • Considering new venues for showing and selling your work in 2025 and beyond because you are always moving forward.

See our syllabus below. Just look for the candy cane section

This might be for you if ...

Essentials for Artist Success isn’t for everyone, and I don’t want you wasting your money. It could be for you if …

  • You could benefit from some structure for learning more about growing your business.
  • You’ve been trying this and that when marketing your art, but haven’t been consistent in any area. You need a reboot!
  • You feel like you don’t have business systems that you can rely on.
  • You’re struggling to make time to plan for better show venues or increased sales.
Laura Petrovich-Cheney in her studio | Anna Wistran Wolfe Photography
Laura Petrovich-Cheney in her studio | Anna Wistran Wolfe Photography

I know such a comprehensive program sounds like a big commitment, and that’s because it is.

It’s a commitment to your vision.

If you are ready to do it alone, there’s no pressure from me, but it’s my goal to help you make (a lot) more progress than you would on your own.

With my tools and processes, you will ...

Now open!

$1200 for everything

*$1200 or 12 payments of $108

Your 1 year begins whenever you enroll, so there is no such thing as starting late. If 1 year is too much for you, keep scrolling for other options.


I recently had the opportunity to be featured on an online gallery and I was prepared.
Thank YOU for helping me to become the organized artist that I am. There is always more work to do to maintain organization, but your help has been invaluable. 


What's Included in the Essentials Program


Your learning experience includes 3 planning workshops throughout the year: May, September, and January.

You will get immediate access to the on-demand version of Your People Plan—a key component to effective art marketing.

value: $300


We know that it’s hard to make yourself show up for on-demand learning and then implement what you learn on your own. The accountability from live sessions are the primary reason to sign up for this year-long training. Your questions and challenges are addressed in these 12 labs that follow a curriculum and support the learning modules.

value: $1200



The volume of resources we have for you can be overwhelming (81 learning and bonus modules total 😳). Your year will revolve around themes that need constant massaging in your business to help you stay focused, but the learning material will be there when you need it—even if we’re not focusing on that topic as a group.

value: $1690

There’s no such thing as missing a live lab, workshop, or gathering because we’re always adding them and you’ll just catch the next one. Wanna see what this looks like on a calendar? Learn the topics for the Labs? Download the info packet.

You will have access to

all of my art marketing lessons and tools

in the Essentials program.


I should have started working with you and your Art Biz Success program years ago. I thought I was ready to sell work, but couldn’t put the pieces in order by myself.

While I’m sometimes overwhelmed by the generous material you share, I know that I’ll get there as long as I continue taking baby steps. 


But, wait. There's more.

You also get ...


Twelve months membership in the Art Biz Connection, where members actively engage with one another in our forum hosted by Mighty Networks. My team and I facilitate regular discussions that help you consider what is possible in your art business and life.


Live Zoom sessions with artist mentor Suzanne Gibbs to discuss the challenges and strategies around mindset, productivity, and making. 

On the calendar of events these are noted as studio talks and get it done days.

value: $480

Download the info packet to see the preliminary schedule.

You don’t have to do this alone.

I will be your art business coach

for the year (or through December, whichever you prefer)

Hi. I'm Alyson Stanfield.

I’m the author of I’d Rather Be in the Studio: The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion, the leader of Art Biz Connection community of ambitious and intentional artists, and the host of The Art Biz podcast.

I love to work with clients with a growth mindset who challenge themselves with increasingly prestigious goals. 

One of my superpowers is helping artists create systems that will help their businesses run smoothly. I help you make sense of the many options available  to you and prioritize what will yield the best returns. 

Above all, my coaching emphasizes nurturing relationships in a way that is authentic, comfortable and, frankly, more fun.

I can’t wait to get to know you better.

Alyson Stanfield
Photo of Alyson Stanfield, Art Biz Success

A Season for Focusing on Shows & Sales

Our focus through December is:

  • Making an action plan to keep your goals top of mind.
  • Preparing to make the most of opportunities around the holidays—getting organized and avoiding overwhelm.
  • Considering new venues for showing and selling your work in 2025 and beyond because you are always moving forward.
My level of commitment and seriousness towards making art and marketing my business have gone up incredibly since enrolling in your program. I see myself laying a solid path to become a successful professional artist in the near future. I am deeply grateful to you for everything.—Vidya Shyamsundar

Get clarity around marketing your art.

$1200 for the whole shebang

*$1200 or 12 payments of $108

Your 1 year begins whenever you enroll, so there is no such thing as starting late.

Is 1 year too much for you? Keep scrolling for another option.

Our Focus

September—December 2024
ESSENTIALS for Shows and Sales

January—April 2025
ESSENTIALS for Getting Organized with Business Systems

May—August 2025
ESSENTIALS for Online Marketing

Almost everything you learn in Essentials for Artist Success, as a beginning or emerging artist, will be used repeatedly in your art marketing and throughout your evolution as an artist.

September—December 2024

The holidays are hard to ignore.

I’ll show you how your art business can thrive during this bustling time of year—finishing the year strong rather than ignoring the opportunities.

September 24

Making Your List, Checking It Twice

This is our quick start and orientation. 

  • What to expect in this program, how to make the most of it, and how to find information and get answers.
  • Why every artist must include solo shows for their resumés.
  • How to stay focused on attracting venues rather than always worrying about approaching them.

October 16

Holiday Hustle without the Hassle

Let’s consider options for increasing sales around the holidays before it’s too late.

  • Learn the benefits of doing collection releases (aka “drops”) and get a structure for pulling them off.
  • Hosting an open studio is relatively low friction and puts you in total control.
  • Showing in restaurants and contributing to fundraisers can be a boon (when done properly).
  • You can have a sale of your art and feel good about it.
  • Understand the email marketing rhythm for promotions.

November 13

Gift Yourself New Markets

We’ll explore options for making your next step and lining up opportunities for shows and sales in 2025 and beyond.

  • Exploring alternative venues because where you show your art is limited only by your imagination (and sometimes your ego)
  • Prepare for gallery representation if it’s right for you.
  • How to write exhibition proposals for showing your work in new places.
  • Consider whether or not museums are for you.

December 11

Maximize Your Merry

Now we’re going to talk about next-leveling your results. When you want to expand your audience and influence, consider these options.

  • Collaborating with others (not only artists) is a higher form of thinking about your art business and career and yields so many benefits
  • Finding just 1 interior designer or decorator who loves your work can make a huge difference in your bottom line.

Which is the best fit for you?

Get the tools, strategies, support, and accountability you need for your art business.

Get it all for $1200

*$1200 or 12 payments of $108

Your 1 year begins whenever you enroll, so there is no such thing as starting late. 

Prefer just to focus on Shows & Sales with us through December? No problem!


*$490 or 4 payments of $130 ($520)

This seasonal class lasts through December 2024 and includes the planning workshop on September 10-11 (or recording)

Download the info packet to see our preliminary schedule.


Your well-planned year-long program helped me to engage more intentionally with my supporters and collectors, develop supporting materials that have greater depth and appeal, and implement systems that will be priceless as my art continues to grow.

Your community facilitates and encourages artists to thrive.


thru Dec 2024

Explore all the possibilities for showing, selling, and teaching and prioritize the opportunities that are right for you. 

Consider new challenges that will contribute to your professional growth in 2025 and beyond.

  • Explore and prioritize the venues that represent the next step for your art business and career.
  • Consider collaborations that will increase your list and make a bigger impact.
  • Research alternative venues that give you control and lead to more profit.
  • Enact a system for tracking your opportunities and following up so that nothing slips through the cracks.
*A detailed syllabus for the season is above.

Jan-April 2025

Start a new year by updating old systems and creating new ones that can support business growth. Disorganization leads to missed deadlines and lost opportunities. It’s time to turn that around. Automate the tedious parts of your business and streamline processes and decision-making so you can spend more time in the studio.

  • Clean up your piles and files so that you can quickly find things when you need them.
  • Commit to a system for projects and tasks that will keep you focused.
  • Document procedures for business (and personal tasks) you will repeat.
  • Create, with the help of templates, must-have forms that you will reuse. Think: contracts, email responses, commission procedures, student guidelines.
  • Articulate business policies for clear boundaries that allow you to make faster decisions. 

May-Aug 2025

Approach your online marketing as an opportunity rather than feeling compelled to do more. It’s a chance to connect with more people, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. 

Do it your way!

  • Audit your online presence to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.
  • Build a content structure so that you always have ideas for sharing (and know where you don’t need to waste your time).
  • Select the online channels you want to commit to (and ignore the rest).
  • Create a content calendar so you don’t forget the important stuff.
  • Leverage the content you create. Why just use it once?

2 Ways to join

Get the tools, strategies, support, and accountability you need for your art business.

Get it all for $1200

*$1200 or 12 payments of $108

Your 1 year begins whenever you enroll, so there is no such thing as starting late. 

Prefer just to focus on Shows & Sales with us through December? No problem!


*$490 or 4 payments of $130 ($520)

This seasonal class lasts through December 2024 and includes the planning workshop on September 10-11 (or recording)

Download the info packet to see our preliminary schedule.



I think of taking a course from you as a little like throwing the I Ching, or reading Tarot… there is something I need to understand being offered to me, and if I tune in with attention, it will be revealed!

I refer to my binder from courses with you on a regular basis, when I need a jumpstart or a new take on tasks. I always find help and encouragement there.


Get the tools, strategies, support, and accountability you need for your art business.

Get it all for $1200

*$1200 or 12 payments of $108

Your 1 year begins whenever you enroll, so there is no such thing as starting late. 

Prefer just to focus on Shows & Sales with us through December? No problem!


*$490 or 4 payments of $130 ($520)

This seasonal class lasts through December 2024 and includes the planning workshop on September 10-11 (or recording)

Are you ready for this level of support for your art business?

$1200 for the whole year

*$1200 or 12 payments of $108

Your 1 year begins whenever you enroll, so there is no such thing as starting late.

Please email us with any questions or just to say Hi. Reference “Essentials” in your subject line please.

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