Get This
How to Respond to Donation Requests gives you a process for crafting a donation policy along with exact wording from other artists.
8-page special report FREE with opt-in.
You’ll also receive my almost-weekly news for your art business.
These are the downloads that are referred to throughout the book. No opt-in required!
The NEW Principles of No-Excuse Self-Promotion poster (8.5×11″) is designed to print and
display for a daily dose of motivation. 1 page.
The Promotional Plan puts everything together for you in a guide for your goals, tasks,
and deadlines. 1-page spreadsheet. Use in conjunction with the Marketing Routine Planner.
Reusable: Excel and Numbers
The Presentation Organizer is a form to help you organize your speaking and teaching
engagements. 3 pages.
Reusable: Word and Pages
Prepare for interviews or writing articles about yourself with 10 Questions for Your
Self-Interview. 1 page.
The Marketing Routine Planner will remind you of the tasks you should be doing
consistently to promote your art. Use in conjunction with the Promotional Plan.
Reusable: Word and Pages
The Marketing Materials Planner is a checklist for your printed promotional pieces.
Reusable: Word and Pages
Develop a policy for donating your art based on Donation Policies written by other artists who generously shared their guidelines.
Get the Newsletter Worksheet for following through with your promise to deliver a
newsletter to subscribers. 2 pages.
Reusable: Word and Pages
Follow up on your leads with the Follow-Up Form. 1 page.
Reusable: Word and Pages
Professor Sandra Reed of the Savannah College of Art and Design was nice enough to share her syllabus for using the 1st edition of IRBITS in her MFA course on self-promotion. Download it here.
Don’t have your copy yet?
Sent every week or two. Includes new articles, available programs, and episodes of The Art Biz podcast.
How to Respond to Donation Requests gives you a process for crafting a donation policy along with exact wording from other artists.
8-page special report FREE with opt-in.
You’ll also receive my almost-weekly news for your art business.