Putting pictures online

There’s a terrific article in the September 2008 edition of Professional Artist Magazine by Steve Meltzer. I can’t find an online version, but for all who are perplexed about DPI, PPI, and resizing digital images, pick up a copy of Art Calendar from your news stand and check out “A Primer on Putting Pictures on the Web.” (pages 34-35)

We also touched on digital photos in Web Site Basics: How to Get Your Art Online without Spending a Fortune.

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5 thoughts on “Putting pictures online”

  1. I am subscribed to the printed Art Calendar as well as the newsletter. They are an absolutely awesome artist’s resource! Well worth the price! Even better, as a member of my local Artist’s Equity branch, I can subscribe to Art Calendar for a discounted price. I don’t know if that is a regional thing or not, but it is worth checking into!

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