Celebrating My 10 Year Anniversary

Ten years ago today I sent out my first newsletter. It’s been going out every week since then.
Today I quietly celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the beginning Art Biz Coach.
Thank you for being here with me.

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63 thoughts on “Celebrating My 10 Year Anniversary”

  1. Congratulations, Alyson! You’ve accomplished so much in these 10 years. I hope you have the opportunity to sit back and think about all the artists whose careers you have helped, including mine. I am grateful for your encouragement, expertise and friendship.

  2. Congratulations Alyson! Not only is that an amazing accomplishment to come up with an article every single week, but it is also a wonderful canon of materials for many thousands of people.
    I have benefitted so much from your ideas and suggestions and I thank you very much for your inspiring work! What I like the most about your work is your huge desire to share your knowledge with others. What a gift to us! A toast to you!

  3. Congratulations, Alyson! You’ve set standards for visual artists, many self-represented, and given us the tools to reach our goals. Raise a glass to yourself today, and enjoy our gratitude. Thank you

  4. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! Time to celebrate — not quietly! Ring the bells, bang the gongs, blow the whistles, buzz the buzzers! Oh, and thanks for all your advice and support! You ROCK!

  5. Why are you “quietly celebrating”? You should put up a billboard or grab a megaphone and shout out your window for all to hear! TEN YEARS! TEN YEARS!! TEN YEARS !!!
    Thank-you for this ten years of helping – REALLY helping – the art community and providing a free forum for thoughts, debates, and always nurturing this family of sometimes fragile and sometimes feisty artists and artisans and for putting up with a lot of run-on sentences.
    with love and deep respect…Mckenna

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Mckenna: I’m not a big celebrator. Kinda strange that way. But I do have a 10-yr badge in the sidebar. Does that help?
      Thank you for screaming it for me. 😉

    2. Thanks for pointing it out. Pretty soft message… but I will respect your “shyness” around this important milestone. Would love a splash of red or ??? somewhere in that banner…
      Anyone else think it could stand a little pumping up?
      We all just want you to be here for us forever, so we want more and more people to be here buying your book, taking your seminars, and otherwise keeping you busy and financially secure. Selfish? You betcha! xo

  6. Congratulations Alyson!
    Thank you for all you do!
    Your endless energy, information, and support…are such a great asset to the art community.
    I look forward to your Newsletter in my inbox every week!
    You totally Rock! 😉 😉 😉

  7. You make a difference every day! Thank you for your wisdom, humor and ability to share your knowledge so well! Congratulations!

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Pat: I should be giving you all of the credit. It’s because of you that the newsletter reaches people’s inboxes and looks so darned good.
      Very happy Lia gave me your email all of those years ago.

  8. Veronica Martin

    Congratulations, and thank you so much! I’ve benefitted from your blog, website, podcasts and your book(s), and I’m always happy to buy another copy for an artist launching themselves into the world!

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      That’s nice of you, Veronica. Those artists are lucky to have you on their side.

  9. Alyson Stanfield

    ALL: Thank YOU! I am so grateful for your kind wishes and for sticking around with me. I’m truly blessed.

  10. Congratulations! Good for you, Alyson! (And good for us, too, I must selfishly add. 🙂 )
    You do wonderful work and improve our lives in positive and measurable ways! You do rock, you know.

  11. Congratulations Alyson! You have made quite a dent in the art world over the past 10 years. Your constant dedication to helping artists (and in my case, artist representatives) is amazing. Thank you so much for IRBITS, your online classes, and even the responses to emails over the past 1.5 years. You have helped me tremendously.
    Here’s to another 10 years of the Art Biz Coach!

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Thank you, Stephen. You’ve been very kind to me and you’ll never know how much I appreciate that.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Thanks, Christine. I’m kind of impressed at it myself – but first I had to stop and count the years. Who keeps track?

  12. Alyson, if it weren’t for your Blast Off Class years ago, I’d still be sitting on my porch wondering what to do with myself. Your guidance has been invaluable to me and to so many others. I consider you a mentor and a friend, and wish you all the best in your next 10 years.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Patty: I’m so happy to hear that. I love that one of my classes made a difference.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Thank you, Carlin. I’m happy to hear that. Stay tuned for some exciting changes in the newsletter. Really – better!

  13. Congratulations on ten years!!! Just think of all the lives you have touched!! Mine included. I always credit you with helping me create a stronger “brand” for iZoar. Thank you…Thank you!!! Celebrate!! Ce,ebrate!!

  14. Congratulations Alyson! That is a wonderful milestone and even more you should be proud to have been successfully helping us artists for a whole decade. Your messages are still fresh and topical and that too is one heck of an accomplishment.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Thank you, Patricia. I appreciate your contributions to this blog.
      What is ^5s ??

  15. You’ve helped me! Thanks for all the expert and kind work you do. I expect to hear from you the next ten…. Well deserved celebration, quiet or not. Congrats.

  16. Happy Birthday to the Art Biz Coach!!!
    Thanks for being here and for doing what you do, Alyson. I love your blog and your book. Your advice has been so helpful in my career.

  17. Congratulations! It was great meeting you in October on Long Island at the workshop. You are an inspiration, and a wellspring of wisdom and guidance. I look forward to the many opportunities you offer for me to create a flourishing business. Thanks for the great work you do.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Thank you, Celeste. It’s always nice to meet my subscribers in person. Very special.

  18. Alyson,
    A newsletter every week for 10 years tells us all that you “walk the walk”. I’m inspired by your classes and my path as an artist has truly changed for the better because of you.
    Thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm and your hard work to stay on top of today’s art world. You make a difference!

  19. Congratulations, Alyson! I have been following you from the beginning and am so grateful for all of your guidance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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