Artist blogs to fall in love with

If you want to write a better blog, deconstruct one that you like. That’s what today’s Art Marketing Action newsletter is about. I give you a list to help you figure out what makes a blog successful. (Incidentally, it will also be posted here in Wednesday’s podcast.)

For those who haven’t yet found an artist’s blog to fall in love with, here are some worthy of your attention.

David Castle
Tammy Vitale
Daniel Sroka
Deb Trotter
Sherrie York
Carla Sanders
Cynthia Guajardo
Lisa Call
Deanna Wood
Casey Klahn
Kesha Bruce
Paula McCullough

There are many, many more. I’d love for you to leave your favorite artists’ blogs in the comments below. (If you use http:// in front of the URLs, they’ll be clickable in your comment and we sure would appreciate that.)

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38 thoughts on “Artist blogs to fall in love with”

  1. nice to check out all these blogs this morning. many are already on my regular check in list but found some new ones as well. it’s good for artists to consider what they want from a blog and who they are in dialogue with, i think. because my own blog includes my writing, nature and teaching stuff it’s different from being an “art” blog though i do blog about my studio work and thoughts on being an artist, too. some artist blogs are very personal, others seem more devoted to certain points of view or art subjects that are more objective (though often they are presented subjectively). all in all i find art blogs a lot of fun and i’ve met all sorts of interesting artists through them in this last year. i have even sent people looking for certain kinds of work to other people’s blogs, which is pretty cool. it’s a very interesting way of interacting and sharing our work and our thoughts.

  2. Thanks, too, for the link. I have posted a welcome post for the readers at @ 9:30, which is an introduction and overview of TheColorist blog.

  3. Having just started my own blog a few weeks ago and having spent time with the technical garble (still a little foreign to me), now I’m ready to fine tune. It’s nice to have the “deconstruction questions” from the newsletter to help me assess, and a list of others (some I know, others are new!) that do a terrific job. Thank you Alyson!

  4. Alyson, Today sitemeter showed way more visitors than ever before in one day and now I see why…thank you! I’m honored to be listed among these other artists as well as on your blog. Thank you! Paula

  5. Thank you for posting this article … it certainly has made me take a second look at my blogging habits! One of my own favorite blogs is that of C Robin Janning at: – beautiful abstract paintings + poetic words. For those interested in finding more art blogs there are links (and more) to over 120 blogs at: Artist Lisa Call is the current featured artist there. Why not join us?

  6. I offer my blog for your viewing pleasure. I began it almost immediately after taking Alyson’s motivating, art marketing workshop here in Michigan last April. I made my blog using one of my web hosting company’s templates and was able to tailor the colors and add my logo to make the blog resemble my website, newsletter, and stationary. Patrice Erickson

  7. Alyson! Thank you for the “love” – much appreciated! As are all your great tips and information. That one little 10 minute chat has spawned an industry – ok, not quite. But it has spawned taking care of my customers, and I have found someone to help me do that through barter. And all because of you!

  8. Lesly Finn, thank you for recommending my blog! I’ve been writing it for FIVE YEARS now. I started at Radio Userland in 2002, but recently moved it to WordPress because it’s easier to search and tag. And Kasie, I second your vote for Nicole Caulfield. Nicole is my friend, and she is not only an amazing artist, she’s an awesome person!

  9. Alyson! Thanks so much for mentioning my ever-evolving blog! Mine, too, is a result of Alysonspiration, and it’s been a great way to drive traffic to my website AND to meet other artists doing similar things.

  10. Thanks for mentioning my blog, Alyson! (My stats certainly went up today. It’s amazing how “networking” works on the internet).I began blogging in the summer of 2004, so I’ve been a blogger for quite while. I urge anyone who is tentative about starting your own blog to just DO it. I convinced an artist friend to start one over a year ago, and the success she has received is phenomenal … she sells her jewelry so quickly that she doesn’t even need a website! (I wouldn’t recommend that every artist shouldn’t have a website, but WOW! What blogging achieved for her!)Blogging has led me to participate in art shows and publications, and has afforded me great support and close friendships. As usual, Alyson is right: Having an artist blog is almost essential these days! I say, go for it! Deb

  11. Alyson, thank you for the listing. I am thrilled to be included. Thanks also for other blogs all in one place. I too am a fan of Maggie Stiefvater’s blog, and I have recently run across others I like, but can I find them now? Cruising the blogosphere, sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

  12. This is a great list! Deb & Tammy have been links on my blog ( ) for a long time already, they’re both wonderful people, with wonderful blogs! I agree with Deb-just do it & start blogging. Doors have opened for me, and opportunities have presented themselves, that wouldn’t have happened had it not been for my little blog.

  13. Alyson B. Stanfield

    I haven’t commented on any of these because I’m simply overwhelmed by these responses. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. Thanks to everyone who posted comments here.

  14. I’ve sort of burried my blog because I’m using Blogspot until I design my own website. But I have a section called the Artist’s studio. I’ve found with art buyers, and non-artists, that they are fascinated with the process of creating art. Here I usually detail the process of one of my paintings, and take pictures from start to finish, explaining along the way. I’ve sort of fallen off the face of the earth as we have moved, are getting into a new line of work, and I am not able to paint as we are living with a family and all of are things have been in storage since July. But I am getting back into it, back into the artist’s mindset, and Alyson has been a great help!!

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