Checklist for Promoting a New Product

When you introduce new artworks or products (note cards, reproductions, catalogs, e-books, DVDs), you have to tell people about them. And it’s not a one-time thing.
Whenever I create a new product, I go through a series of steps to make sure the product is available on all of my sites. Sometimes I execute this process better than other times, so I thought it was about time I write it down. Maybe it will help you with the items you sell online.

Shopping Cart

  • Create the product in the cart
  • Upload image of product
  • Write autoresponders
  • Add product to any related autoresponders
  • Add product to related products – an upsell in the shopping cart
  • Create coupon discount for Artist Conspiracy members


  • Add item to QuickBooks – making sure it has the same name as the item in the shopping cart


  • Create header graphic for sales page
  • Create graphics in predefined sizes for home page on website, blog sidebar, Facebook events, and newsletter
  • Create graphics for affiliates to use (select products)

Marketing Material

  • Make postcard (Should I do this more often?)
  • Add to book inserts
  • Add to workshop sales forms


  • Create sales page for item, using shopping cart link
  • Add to home page (select products)
  • Add to related or aggregate pages on website


  • Add to blog sidebar
  • Weave into blog post text
  • Write separate blog post about item itself (select products)

Facebook Art Biz Coach Page

  • Post update on wall (weekly mention)
  • Add as an event (when it’s a timed event)
  • Add image to rotating images at top of page


  • Tweet about it
  • Schedule tweets in the future: a couple of times a day, once a week


  • Tell my team that I have a new product and share the URL with them
  • Tell Artist Conspiracy members that there is a discount coupon for them
  • Tell affiliates
  • Mention at workshops and book parties for I’d Rather Be in the Studio

What did I forget?

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6 thoughts on “Checklist for Promoting a New Product”

  1. Pingback: Checklist for Promoting a New Product — Art Biz Blog « Tech4buziness

  2. If you are using the Internet to promote your new idea, you need to use websites that are already reaching a big audience. Having your own website is great, but will never reach enough people unless you have a large following already. The best way is to use the leverage of social networks such as facebook, linkedin, or other ones. Also you can use the leverage of sites like Productroot ( to promote your new start-up idea for free. These type sites allow you to use the power of the Internet without dropping a large amount of cash. Just my two cents.

  3. oh wow! I thought I had it cracked – then along comes your list ( smiles! )
    I have started using Evernote and I have created ‘reminders’ for what to do for each step of my process – especially the ‘sold item – pack item – post item – do finances afterwards’ process (always worried I’ll forget to pack the Certificate of Authenticity or the Thank you for Purchasing note!)
    There is so much to do (!) I’ve always worked for a company before this – I’m first time ‘self employed’ – and now I realise just how much my PA and team did around me before… (groan!)

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