Don't let your text become outdated

Your About page and all other pages and posts on your blog or website should include text that is as “evergreen” as possible.
“Evergreen” means that it will be just as valid next year as it is right now. So . . .
Instead of writing “I’ve been working in metals for 5 years,” you would write “I’ve been working in metals since 2005.”
This is another time-saver. You won’t have to go back in next year and change “5 years” to “6 years.”
You can’t always do this, of course. If you’re promoting an upcoming event, you have to put the dates on it. You should even include the year in case someone finds an old page at a later date.
But evergreen text works well with stories that will be online for quite some time.

Want more writing tips like these? Join the Blog Triage class. But join now! We are so hands-on in this class that we limit it to just 30 people–and we have sold out on two occasions.

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