Return to Your Art

When times are good, artists make art.

When times are bad, artists make art.

When time stands still, artists will continue making art.


Artists who are true to themselves do not make art for the marketplace, but for themselves–to start a dialogue with their viewers, their fans, and the world. They make art because they have something to say that is best said not with words, but through a creative act. They make art because they have to. The marketing stuff can come later.

Janet Checker
Janet Checker, San Blase Panama.
Oil, 48 x 24 inches.
From the “Women of the Americas” series.
©The Artist


Through this newsletter and the Art Biz Blog, I give you ideas for promoting your art and building your business. Too many ideas. You can’t possibly implement these ideas as fast as I generate them. And I’m sure I’m just one of the sources you’re hearing from.

The result of all these ideas may be a feeling of overwhelm. The result of overwhelm can lead to forgetting about your art. And the result of forgetting about your art can either be no art to market or art you’re not confident in.

Never neglect the studio. Always return to your art. The disciplined practice of making art is mandatory. Everything else is optional.

KNOW THIS———-~> Artists make art–regardless.

THINK ABOUT THIS—~> Have you been neglecting your studio time?

DO THIS————~> Return to your art. Remember why you are an artist. Recall the thrill of your best work. Hold on to that sensation and revisit it when you’re feeling overwhelmed or uninspired. Just get back to the studio!

Share your thoughts and listen to the podcast on the Art Biz Blog.

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  • Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
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9 thoughts on “Return to Your Art”

  1. Pingback: The first 4 steps toward selling your art: Step #1 — Art Biz Blog

  2. yes I have been, thanks for reminding me to get back there, your articles are inspiring! So Why do you nsed my contact info? Please don’t put me on any mailing lists! Thanks.

  3. Pingback: Jeremy P. McKay, Artist » Blog Archive » Return To Art

  4. Pingback: Artist Salons: 6 elements for a thriving group, part 2 — Art Biz Blog

  5. Fabrizio Van Marciano

    Its so easy to get lost in a cycle that repeats itself over and over again. You start work on a new piece and then you recieve several commissions on something you’ve created months earlier thus putting you in the path of making art for the marketplace almost. But I’ve recently found great difficulty in returning to something I’ve started when this happens, perhaps when the Christmas rush is over only then can I start being an artist again, nice post thanks for sharing, very true indeed.

  6. Pingback: Art Marketing Action + Podcast: Devote 15 Minutes a Day to . . . — Art Biz Blog

  7. Pingback: 7 Steps to Finding Your Style — Art Biz Blog

  8. Pingback: Can your art business survive divorce? — Art Biz Blog

  9. Pingback: Go Make Art — Art Biz Blog

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