12 Artist Resolutions to Steal for the New Year

One of my first-ever free gifts for subscribers to my newsletter was a list of Artist Resolutions.
Today – being January 1 and all – seems like as good a time as any to update and share.
Steal and adapt what feels true to you.

Artist Resolutions

RESOLVE to try a different color.
RESOLVE to experiment with a new media.
RESOLVE to take a class, read another book, watch an art documentary.
RESOLVE to expand my knowledge of art.
RESOLVE to share my art with more people.
RESOLVE to write more about my art.
RESOLVE to find my own path.
RESOLVE to stop whining about not having enough time.
RESOLVE to say No to those things that are not important to me or that get in the way of what I want to be.
RESOLVE to stop fiddle-farting around on the Internet or with the TV remote control and start dedicating myself 100% to my life’s work.
RESOLVE to stop playing it safe.
RESOLVE to take risks.

Happy New Year!


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22 thoughts on “12 Artist Resolutions to Steal for the New Year”

  1. Thanks for the gift, I just printed it out. This is my year to transition from hobby artist to income generating artist. I look forward to your forthcoming posts as well this year. Happy new year!

  2. Thank you Alyson for this list! I will hang it in my studio and on my desk at home. This is my Year to make a big difference. I am determined!
    A Happy one for you! 😉

  3. Pingback: 10 Stupid & 10 Meaningful Ways For Artists To Measure Success | Janice Tanton :: Full Time Human Being

  4. May this new year bring many opportunities, may your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements. Happy New Year to you & your loved ones! Thanks for the gift.

  5. Thanks so much for the resolution poster, Alyson! I already posted it in my “studio-to-be”. I enjoy your blog! Happy Creative 2012!

  6. OMGosh! LOL!!! I have this printed since the first time you gave it!!! My new studio is open as of moving lights this morning…and I kept my print all these years. Just posted it yesterday afternoon to my new art magnet board.
    Thank you for the re-post, Alyson. This is an oldie and goodie.
    Thank you for helping make 2011 an amazing year with following your advice. 2012 will be quieter – but still amazing with you help.
    May YOUR 2012 be INCREDIBLE!!!!

  7. Plan to share this with all my artist buddies! Happy New Year and thank you Alyson!
    RESOLVE to love the process and recognize that my work is a prayer that I offer up to God, the Universe, the Muse…. whatever name you want to use.

  8. Happy Sweet New Year to You Alyson…
    Thanks! for the wonderful list…
    In two weeks I’ll be at my annual women artist’s retreat at the Outer Banks. I’ve been asked to create the opening ceremony for our weekend together…I’m so happy that I can include your beautiful gift of ‘My Artist’s Resolutions’ … tucked in with the other talisman that all will receive…and cherish.
    Here’s to all the couageous Art/Life risks coming down the path…

  9. Thank you Alyson! You have always been so generous with your information and helping artists. I have so enjoyed your classes and reading your blog over the years. It has inspired me immensely. Looking forward to a great 2012 and wishing you the same!

  10. Pingback: beading resolutions, new beading techniques, new color palettes, declutter your studio | Guide To Beadwork Blog

  11. Alyson,
    Have to agree with those who say this is great advice for all folks! Posting it in my office and blog as an ongoing reminder to stay the course and enjoy the journey!

  12. Pingback: Artists plan for successful 2012 with Painter and Teacher Don Sahli.

  13. Alyson, thank you so very much for the guidance and inspiration – and challenges – you offer to so many of us who desire something more. I’ve heeded your advice often the past few years and have experienced more success than I imagined possible. Best wishes to you and yours for a terrific new year.

  14. Pingback: Top Ten Tuesday

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