A life purpose

How are you doing on the vision for your art career? Do you know where you’re going with it? Do you know what you want? You can worry about how you’ll get there later, but you have to have the vision.

As promised in the Art Marketing Action newsletter, I have been journaling first thing each morning this week. I don’t have my vision yet, but I am finding my purpose (with the help of Jack Canfield). At this point, my purpose goes something like this:

To inspire and empower artists to share their gifts with the world and to be a passionate advocate on their behalf.

You’re going to see that popping up here and there and everywhere, but I wanted to test it here first. What do you think?

I’m not sure everyone needs a life purpose written down. I felt the need for one. If you have one, feel free to share it–or your career vision–here.

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6 thoughts on “A life purpose”

  1. Thanks for asking the question Alyson. My mission is to facilitate, motivate and inspire dynamic relationships through my art. It would be wonderful to facilitate people being closer to each other by seeing a piece of my art – especially the “love themes” that keep cropping up. Further, I want to meet and inspire dynamic people along my journey. This is success to me. Reading the book “The Path – Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and Life by Laurie Beth Jones” has helped me immensely.

  2. Mine keeps changing because I keep learning things I didn’t know before that have to be incorporated. I know, there’s supposed to be something that is overarching…if there is for me, it’s something along the lines of: let me figure out the purpose of life, get it right and not have to reincarnate again unless I want to. =] Oh, and: next time around I’m going to have a better negotiator about “lessons” and how they are delivered.

  3. I like it. Short and concise! I’ve been working on getting my vision on paper, and although I have a keen sense of how that feels to me, putting it into specific words is proving tricky! As if the words can’t entirely capture that sense without turning it into something else. I’m still working with it…

  4. To capture the soul, emotion, mood, essence of a subject. Then hope the recipient sees what I see and enjoys it. Because I certainly enjoy the journey of production – most of the time.

  5. Kimberly Lennox

    I just want the world to be a prettier, nicer place for my having been it by the time I leave. Considering I used disposable diapers on three children, I guess I need to create a lot of art and spread a lot of happiness to make up for that.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      That made me laugh, Kim. Maybe someday you’ll forgive yourself for using disposable diapers.

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