The Art Biz ep. 55: An Army of Artists with Sandra Felemovicius

Covid strikes.
Hospitals start filling.
Her doctor-husband continues to go to work in a building that is treating those who have fallen ill to the virus.

She feels helpless, but not for long. Sandra Felemovicius springs into action. She doesn’t think too long or overanalyze. She only knows she wants to make a difference.

Sandra Felemovicius with her artwork in her Minneapolis studio.

That’s how her twice-weekly Instagram Live program, Tap Into Your Creativity, started.

On it, Sandra interviews artists at home in their studios—hoping to inspire and to be a light amid all the darkness. The artists, in turn, agree to donate a 10 x 10 inch painting to be auctioned to benefit Feeding America.

Follow #armyofartists to watch the progress.

Having recently started my own weekly Instagram Live (Wednesdays at 4pm Eastern) I know that there are a lot of logistics around getting guests to join you. Schedules, bandwidth, backgrounds, audio, and lighting. As Sandra says on the podcast, “Anything can happen on live TV.”

Still, when you’re committed to a project, you’ll find a way to make it happen. Listen to how Sandra does it.

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Music by Wildermiss.


Artwork of Sandra Felemovicius, this week's Art Biz Podcast guest.
©Sandra Felemovicius, Drips of Hope. Mixed media on canvas, 40 x 30 inches. Used with permission.
  • Sandra and I are both looking for Black artists and people of color to be on our shows — standing offer! (:55)
  • Sandra’s background and family in Mexico City (2:29)
  • Sandra gets married and moves to Minnesota, where her husband does his residency (6:52)
  • How her husband’s life as a doctor during Covid-19 inspired her to take action (9:44)
  • Sandra’s life before Covid and her studio in Minneapolis’s Little Soho district (11:21)
  • “Once you put it down on paper, you’re committed to something.” (14:09)
  • The genesis of Tap into Your Creativity, Sandra’s show on IG Live (15:07)
  • The features of Tap into Your Creativity (17:19)
  • The whole purpose of the show is to inspire people stuck at home (18:58)
  • Raising money for Feeding America (20:10)
  • Plans for a catalog (21:28)
  • If you don’t ask, if you don’t put yourself out there, your idea won’t happen (22:23)
  • How the auction will work (27:38)
  • The point at which Sandra decided to hire help (30:49)
  • How Sandra is bringing together the artists she’s featuring on her program (32:12)
  • Sandra makes sure she gets her studio time in (33.28)
  • What Sandra has learned in this process (35:24)
  • “If you don’t ask, no one will answer.” (36:03)
  • “Anything can happen when you’re on live TV.” (39:02)


Sandra Felemovicius in her studio with a few sold paintings just before they were shipped out.

About My Guest

Sandra Felemovicius uses lines, marks, patterns, and textures to speak metaphorically and poetically of things that make no reference to the physical world. Her art constructs a sensual surface that weaves a path between process and narrative, mark and meaning, intention and abstraction.

Sandra was born in Mexico City and received her BFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 1995. Her most recent work can be found in the permanent collection of the US Bank Vikings Stadium, in Manuk Gallery in San Miguel de Allende, Gallery in Los Cabos at The Hotel Esperanza, Rosenthal Interiors and Modernwell in Minneapolis MN.

Music by Wildermiss.


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All of the lessons you learn in the Art Career Success System are tasks you will address repeatedly throughout your art business and career—like rewriting your artist statement, submitting exhibition proposals, developing content, and nurturing your connections.

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