Best of the Art Biz Blog 2010

I scoured the 257 posts (to date) from 2010 and came up with a Best Of list. Blue Ribbon
These might not have produced the highest number of comments, but they incited discussion or had information that I thought was most relevant. And many did, indeed, have the most comments.
Here’s a look back.

15 Minutes a Day for Your Art

If you are one of the artists wrestling with a commitment to your studio, I have a solution: Spend just 15 minutes a day checking in with your art.

Artists’ Geography

Do you identify with being an artist of your region? How important is geography to your identity as an artist?

Marketing Lessons from a Hair Stylist

Marketing lessons are all around us if we pay attention. Guest blogger Michael Lynn Adams shares a personal experience with his hairdresser — one that taught him at least three lessons for his art career.

Implement a Postcard Strategy

Get offline from time to time and interact in the real world—especially when it comes to your marketing. Send postcards to your mailing list three to four times a year as part of keeping your name in front of people.

Get a Grip on Why People Buy Art

Your art isn’t for everyone. Once you understand this, you’ll have an easier time finding the people who appreciate your work.

5 Reasons to Title Your Art

Only one of the reasons to title your art is for search engines.

11 Fast Website or Blog Fixes

The title pretty much says it all.

Pricing for Art Consultants

Artists who sell art to art consultants are often asked to give their wholesale prices. This gives consultants a say-so in final pricing. Is that okay?

Turn Facebook Friends Into Fans

Seven steps to encourage friends on Facebook to become fans of your business page.

3 Critical Items on Your Facebook Fan Page

Artists with fan pages on Facebook should have a good description of their art, images of the art, and–something many forget–a complete credit line with each piece.

Old-Fashioned Marketing That Works

My sister-in-law, Shelly Lewis Stanfield, has sold hundreds of paintings without a blog or social media.

Should you give away your art?

David Castle shares his secrets for gaining raving fans and making extra sales. David has since told me that artists, in their enthusiasm for what he is doing, continue to contact him about this post.
What was your most popular or favorite post of 2010? Feel free to leave it in a comment.

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1 thought on “Best of the Art Biz Blog 2010”

  1. My favorite of Alyson’s posts are the ones that inspire me to action. There are so many of these, though, that it could be overwhelming if it wasn’t for Alyson’s other advice to do only as much as one can at any given time.
    On the third hand, this end of year best of is near the top of my favorites because it reminds me what has come before which further reminds me that I can go back and read the archives whenever I need that impetus to focus the raveling threads of “to do.”
    Thank you Alyson!

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