Steal These Blog Post Formulas

Yesterday I confessed that I have been less than inspired with my blogging lately. I gave you a list of 10 paths you can take to get out of a creative slump, but I thought of one more.

Make Lists

Maybe my blogging is uninspired because I’ve been lazy. Or maybe I’m not paying attention.
I try to listen to what artists are talking about because that’s where I get most of my inspiration. But sometimes I don’t always hear. It doesn’t always translate into a post – preferring to take the quick route through my brain maze. IF you know what I mean.
Instead of waiting for inspiration, I’m going after it. I’m making a list!
It’s not the first time I’ve done this. As reported, I keep blog posts ideas in Evernote and in my WordPress Editorial Calendar. I also have years of notebooks with content ideas scattered throughout.
The process I’m going through now is gathering the ideas, reviewing them, and freshening them up. Surely something will come of this process.
You can adapt my process to create a list of content ideas for your blog or newsletter. If you already have scattered lists, bring them together and update the topics. Maybe this list of blog post formulas might inspire you.

Blog Post Formulas

4 Ways to . . . (install a sculpture, typeset a label, piss off someone on Facebook)
7 Reasons to . . . (get into the studio, get out of the studio, be a mentor)
How to . . . (make art, converse with a collector, embarrass yourself at your opening)
Why You Shouldn’t . . . (weld naked, drink too much at your opening)
Why You Should . . . (negotiate, ignore Twitter, hang out at bookstores)
Uncommon Inspiration from . . . (interviews, advice, quotes)
The Best . . . (teacher, book, cure for the post-opening blues)
Most Popular Posts on This Blog (come up with a more exciting title than this!)
Go ahead. Make up your own list and don’t let the well run dry.

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11 thoughts on “Steal These Blog Post Formulas”

  1. Thanks for your blog ideas. I started a blog in January but started to feel like- am I giving away secrets? How do decide what you should divulge and what you shouldn’t? I get a lot of questions about how I ship my pastel work. I have a handy-dandy way of doing it but should I keep it to myself? Or would this be a good blog post?

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Kathy: Why don’t you write some blog posts then put them together and sell them as an e-booklet of your secrets.

  2. “4 ways to piss someone off…” Well, I can write that one in under five minutes.
    Thank you so much for this post. I have had a hard time giving myself permission to be playful and have a good time. I try so much to be earnest and I am so bad at being earnest. I take the creation of my work seriously but don’t take myself very seriously at all. Thanks for the permission to write a fun blog.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Amantha: Have fun with it! If you’re new to blogging, it might take some time to find your voice.

  3. I’d love to be part of this teleseminar, but I’m scheduled to be out of town for that week. Can I signup and get all of the materials etc, and a recording of the teleseminar, without physically being online?
    I personally have gained so much from the great work that the two of you do, that I hate to miss out on this opportunity and information

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Jackie: Thanks. Check out the link. All of the information is on the teleseminar description.
      The answer is Yes. 😉

  4. Hi
    I Like this post, I think You need to direct a specific energy and thought to write a fun blog that could share and capture other artists or readers to appreciate it or consider it.
    Beside writing something from your experience it’s just like you’re giving a way your secrets. I have lots of topic to write in my blog but I always hesitate to give away something I spend my time and my Money on it.

  5. Pingback: Smaller Box :: Blog :: Link Love: The Most Valuable Small Biz Articles Posted This Week

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