The art biz blog features articles and solo podcast episodes that have substantial articles to accompany them. To reach podcast episodes only, visit The Art Biz page.

Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art exhibition opening

The Artist's Responsibilities for Any Exhibition

As an exhibiting artist, you have key responsibilities regardless of where you show and sell your art.

Never assume that venues (art galleries, nonprofit spaces, co-ops) will do all of the work for you. They have much on their minds and can’t give you their full attention.

Here’s a list of things to think about.

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Laura Hunt acrylic painting

How to Be a Guest on The Art Biz (ep. 194)

Even if it has never entered your mind to be a guest on The Art Biz or any other podcast, you’ll benefit from learning how to pitch your story.

Craft a compelling pitch with the five steps I outline in this episode: (1) Understand the show, and, related … (2) Do your homework, (3) Get clear about your unique business insights, (4) Prove your speaking skills, and (5) Submit.

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35+ Novels With Art and Artists (updated)

Have you heard that reading complex works of fiction isn’t just enjoyable, it can also combat dementia? As long as we’re reading novels, why not look for ones with art and artists at the center?

This updated post, which is as much for me as it is for you, has 7 personal recommendations plus 28 that others have added to the list. Add yours!

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Ceramic sculpture by Melinda Laz

A Blueprint for Producing Your Artist Newsletter

For more than 16 years I published a weekly newsletter without skipping a single issue for any reason. We’ve had the current system of multiple defined steps in place for many years, so it’s a well-greased machine.

I thought hearing about how we’ve made it work at Art Biz Success might help you create a blueprint for your own newsletter process—even if you do it alone without help. Here goes …

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Visiting Enid Oklahoma | Art Biz Success

An Appreciation of Mothers and of My Mom

Here’s to the mothers who are artists. And to the mothers who raise healthy, informed artists who make the world a better place.

To My Mom . . . Who is forgiven for not taking me to museums because she didn’t want me to misbehave in public. (She was probably right.)

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The Career Journey of Growth-Minded Artists (ep. 186)

I want to talk about something that gets in the way of how you think your art business possibilities: The ladder of success.

I want to help you reframe your daily decisions, actions, and results (or lack thereof)—to embrace the volatility of an artist life. To understand that there will be highs and lows, and that just comes along with the territory. To do this, let’s consider a circle rather than a ladder.

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