The art biz blog features articles and solo podcast episodes that have substantial articles to accompany them. To reach podcast episodes only, visit The Art Biz page.


Artist Catalogs: Why You Need Them, What to Include, and How to Use

A catalog of your art can be a snapshot of your career at a moment in time or a retrospective documenting your entire life’s work.

With the advent of on-demand, inexpensive publishing, every artist should be using catalogs to promote their art.

And, yes, I recommend print catalogs before electronic versions.

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Senga Nengudi speaking

Delight Someone (Everyone)

Of course your art will delight some people immediately upon introducing yourself. But how can you take an extra step to see that they’re also delighted by you as a person?

In order to delight someone, there must be an element of surprise. It’s a gift that seeks nothing in return but the light in recipients’ eyes.

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Jessica Burko encaustic and found drawers

The Art Biz ep. 165: How to Feel Like a Successful Artist

No two artists have the same path to success—or even define success in the same way.

In order to feel successful, break down your success into smaller increments that are achievable, stay tuned in to you life circumstances, embrace failures that allow you to course correct toward a direction that’s more aligned with who you are now, and celebrate—even for a brief moment—your accomplishments, regardless of how big or small.

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Mixed media work by Ellen Hathaway

The Art Biz ep. 159: How Do Artists Make Money?

One thing above all else can get in the way of feeling successful: Money. So let’s talk about it—starting with income sources. Where does the money come from?

In this episode, I discuss why you might want to diversify beyond originals, how to categorize your income sources, and how to analyze where the money has come from in the past so you can plan for the future.

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Four paintings hung on a wall

Pointers on Wall Labels for Your Art Exhibition

You don’t really think about art exhibition labels until you can’t read them or they look like a sloppy afterthought.

In order to give yourself proper credit for your art, it should have an object label next to it—wherever it’s shown, in person or online.

The only wrong way to do this is to not do it at all. I suggest you standardize your format so that it’s easy to use every time.

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Acrylic painting by Jane Appleby

The Art Biz ep. 155: 6 Ways to Be [Even] Happier About Running Your Art Business

Artists who embrace their role as CEOs of their businesses fare better than those who resist it.

Wishing away the responsibilities only leads to frustration and anxiety.

When you decide to turn your art into a business, do it wholeheartedly—finding joy in the journey rather than grumbling about the hard work. It’s a matter of deciding how you want to navigate through life.

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