Wouldn’t it feel great if you started the New Year with a clean slate? Think about spending this week tidying up all of the loose ends that have been nagging at you.
Today’s post was inspired by Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, master coach and author of the Take Action Now blog. Rachelle sets aside what she has dubbed Clean Slate Week at the end of every year. For one week you can devote yourself to finishing up old projects, getting rid of stuff that no longer serves you, and taking care of your task list.

Fix up
What’s broken or needs tweaking in your home, studio, office, or car? Don’t you just love it when a door stops squeaking or a long-gone light bulb has been replaced?
Follow up
Who have you been intending to follow up with? Write that email or make that call this week! (See Action 10: Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up! in I’d Rather Be in the Studio!)
Sign up
Have you been meaning to join an artist group or organization? Register for a social media account like Twitter? Do it now and mark it off your list.
Tidy up
Take all of the business cards and scraps of paper with people’s information on them and add them to your contacts database. Then throw out or recycle the cards and paper. You no longer need it.
Take it a step further and tackle your paper piles. File everything in a system, recycle what you don’t need, and bask in the open space you created.
Finally, tidy up your computer files–making folders where you need better organization and deleting any documents you no longer need. Don’t forget the photo files! They usually need plenty of attention.
Back up
When is the last time you backed up your computer files? How about your website and blog? Don’t waste another minute. And while you’re at it, put it on your calendar for future dates.
Pack up
What is no longer serving you? Are there art supplies you no longer need? Clothes you no longer wear? Pack them up and either throw them away, recycle, or donate to an organization that could use them.
While you’re at it, pack up old files and records that you need to retain but no longer need in your everyday file cabinet. Put them in a box that is clearly labeled for fast retrieval in the future.
Got your 2010 calendar ready? Flip or scroll to the final week of the year and write down Clean Sweep Week. Don’t schedule other appointments. This week is just for you.
6 thoughts on “Sweep up your incompletes during Clean Slate Week”
This is exactly what I was planning on doing this week, you read my mind, Alyson! I remember learning that Japan celebrates their New Year around the 3rd of January, and that everyone totally cleans out their house. This year I wanted to uphold this tradition since I’ve been putting off cleaning to focus on my work. The clutter has been cluttering up my mind and creativity along with my house.
Thank you, Alyson for all of the great help and advice for all of us this year. I look forward to reading what you have in store for 2010!
This is a great post! I just rearranged my studio and added some much needed shelves. It feels great to work in an efficient work space. I do need to finish up work I’ve started and definitely need to replace some lightbulbs!!!
This is the time of year when I also do these sorts of things. Out with the old and in with the new. Last year I redecorated my studio and painted. This year I’m painting another room, throwing things away and organizing. And taking some time to put things into some mental perspective for myself. I really need this time of year to regroup!
Thanks for a great post! This is exactly the time to do all this stuff. I think it’s never too late to start de-cluttering your life. There’s nothing quite like a home vibrating with newness and possibilities. Now to backup that computer… 🙂
Ha ha ha, if only a week would be enough. I’m torn between attempting parts of everything (if I don’t I’ll only get buried more) or choosing one thing (de-clutter).
Compromise: de-clutter mostly and work to stay afloat with everything else.
Wendy: Does that mean we have until January 3 to finish up??!
Jessica: Congratulations!
Deb: I need to repaint, too. I’m thinking about waiting until I can have open windows. Perhaps during a spring clean.
Samith: If you’re like me, it’s an ongoing process.
Patricia: Sounds like a good compromise. And maybe put some systems into place so that you don’t have to declutter so much in the future.