The Create Opportunities


In progress now!

Make things happen for showing your art, selling your art, and teaching art.

(Rather than waiting for the invitations to appear, a knock on the door, or an email in your inbox.)

How great would it be if you could stay in your studio and wait to be discovered? You can absolutely try that and I’ll be the first to extend sincere congratulations if it works for ya!

But most of us don’t have that luxury. We have to be intentional.

Perhaps …

If so … 

Get clear about the best venues for your goals.

Prepare for gallery representation, if it’s right for you.

Attract galleries rather than sending random inquiries to people who don’t know you. 

Write a proper exhibition proposal.

Network effectively online and off.

Are you up for a challenge?

Use this challenge to assume the power you already have but might not be using to its fullest.

Commit to CREATING rather than WAITING.

In the Create Opportunities Challenge, you will articulate your own challenge that will help you find new venues for showing, selling, or teaching.

It might look like one of these.

Or it might not look like any of these. You get to decide because it’s your challenge. Well be here to help you succeed with it.

While this list may not, on the surface, appear challenging, any one of these items—when implemented—will contribute to big growth.

Imagine where you could be when 2024 starts!

Accept The Challenge

Join us starting with How to Ask for More Money mindset training on August 30. Then The Money Plan on September 12-14. Or get the replays if you sign up later.

The first Create Opportunities impact session is September 26.

Just $360 or or 3 payments of $130.

Create Opportunities Challenge
Patricia Griffin with her ceramic vases
Art Biz Accelerator member Patricia Griffin with her ceramic vases.

You are the CEO of your art business.

You alone are responsible for your success.

This means understanding your financials and being deliberate about planning for growth.

If you want a successful art business and career, you can’t wait for it to happen to you.

You need to (1) know exactly what you want and (2) take consistent action toward your goals.  

You can absolutely try to figure this out on your own or with my guidance and the support and accountability from our community. 


My income increased 600% after starting 2020 with the Income Accelerator! It was all due to your program. I have been in “business “ since the 1980s. I have never had a year like this.

The best part is seeing that I really can make a living as an artist. I never really believed it before. I can’t express how life changing and confidence boosting this program has been!

– Lina Ferrara


What on earth was I doing before the Art Biz Accelerator*?! 

Getting it all down on paper, visualizing it, was critical. Once I did this I could see strategies to help me reach my goal.

The best part is seeing that I really can make a living as an artist. I never really believed it before. I can’t express how life changing and confidence boosting this program has been!

– Caroline Bullock

Accelerating Your Income is one of the modules in Create Opportunities

What's Included


Our programs are all about implementation, but we draw from our extensive library to provide these lessons when you need them. Topics, weighted on finding venues and increasing income, are outlined on this worksheet, which you’ll use inside the program.


We know that it’s hard to make yourself show up for on-demand learning and then implement what you learn on your own. The accountability from live sessions are the primary reason to accept this challenge. These 6 impact sessions will follow a curriculum and support the learning modules.



4 months membership in the Art Biz Connection, where members actively engage with one another in our forum hosted by Mighty Networks. My team and I facilitate regular discussion around topics that help you consider what is possible in your art business and life.


Live Zoom sessions with artist mentor Suzanne Gibbs to discuss the challenges and strategies around mindset, productivity, and making. On the calendar of events these are noted as studio talks and get it done days.


Titled How to Ask for More Money for Your Art (and get it).

Join me for this special session as I walk you through numerous tips to relay the value of your art to potential buyers.  

Live on August 30 or get the replay.


This success workshop is a clear look at what has made you money in the past and a realistic, though hopeful and challenging, blueprint for increasing your income in the future. It’s a tool called the Income Accelerator that  you can use repeatedly without fear of it being outdated.

Live on September 12-14 or get the replay.

Wanna see what this looks like on a calendar? Here’s the schedule.

How would it feel to finish the year with intention?

Or to put more irons in the fire so that your schedule is always full with opportunities you have created?

Or to get back on track with where you were before < take your pick: Covid, divorce, bad health, family death, children, grad school, …> ?

Create, Don't Wait

Join us starting with How to Ask for More Money mindset training on August 30. Then The Money Plan on September 12-14. Or get the replays if you sign up later.

The first Create Opportunities impact session is September 26.

Just $360 or or 3 payments of $130.

Create Opportunities Challenge

Take charge! Attract, search, and go after the opportunities that will help you get to that next level.

Get extra clear about the best venues for showing, selling, and teaching.

Make a plan to increase your income using my proven Income Accelerator from The Money Plan.

Discover whether or not galleries are right for you and, if they are, how to approach them.


I was most impressed with your focused delivery of information, and that we can get answers to our questions in real time during the live sessions. You are so supportive of us but also are realistic in what you encourage us to do.

I feel more confident working with you. You are a major part of my business team.

– Krys Pettit


I love how much great information you share with us! I love the structure of the assignments, which helps me actually DO the work. You have given me so much for my hard-earned money.

Before signing up with you, I was just floating around in a void, not knowing how to manage being a professional artist. I cannot even describe the difference you have made in my art life. 

– Connie Nobbe

My team and I would love to support you as you create opportunities around your goals, needs, and long-term vision.

You’ll find extra support and accountability from our active community members.

About Alyson

Alyson Stanfield is the creator of all things Art Biz Success.

In 2001 she left a safe job as a director of education at an art museum to pursue work that was more meaningful to her. That leap of faith led to the creation of the opportunity that is now Art Biz Success.

She’s the author of I’d Rather Be in the Studio: The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion, leader of the Art Biz Connection community, and the host of The Art Biz podcast.

Alyson loves to work with clients with a growth mindset who like to challenge themselves with increasingly prestigious goals and opportunities.

Finish the Year with Intention

Join us starting with How to Ask for More Money mindset training on August 30. Then The Money Plan on September 12-14. Or get the replays if you sign up later.

The first Create Opportunities impact session is September 26.

Just $360 or or 3 payments of $130.

Create Opportunities Challenge



Thanks again for being so committed and engaged with your students.

When I signed up for this course I did not expect the level of attention you provide to us, it makes a huge difference and exponentially increases the value!

– Lynne Mitchell


Thank you for all that you do for artists across the globe. 

Truly, the only regret I have is not finding you earlier in my career!

– Josephine Geiger

Hope You Can Join Us

Start with How to Ask for More Money mindset training on August 30. Then The Money Plan on September 12-14. Or get the replays if you sign up later.

The first Create Opportunities impact session is September 26.

Just $360 or or 3 payments of $130.

Create Opportunities Challenge
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I would love to send you my Comprehensive Exhibition Checklist + Timeline. It’s 5 pages of tasks for now, later, and after your show. 

Alyson's signature

You’ll also receive my almost-weekly news for your art business.

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