From the Vault: About galleries

This is the new weekly feature where I group things together for you and highlight the best of the Art Biz Blog, the Art Marketing Action newsletter, and my book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio!

Today, it’s all about galleries.

As always, keep in mind that some of the links might be broken by now. After all, they've been buried in the vault for a while.


Leaving your art at a gallery?

Check a gallery's credit score


Negotiate terms with a gallery

Expand into new markets

Build trust

Save the $200 (avoid paying to be part of a gallery)

Approach Galleries without Fear: An Easy and Comfortable Strategy for Artists

Happy Valentine's Day!

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It's a time for reflection.

Make time at the end of the year to reflect on your experiences, accomplishments, and milestones from 2024—before you plan for 2025.

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  • 57 prompts, including those for the year ahead

2 thoughts on “From the Vault: About galleries”

  1. I was on a train in the underground subway tube when the San Francisco ( big) quake hit in 1989. I wrote a short story about my experiences that appearedin an online ezine. In 2001, after the original 9/11, I received a call from the big TV network in NYC to appear on the Ananda Lewis talk show to discuss *surviving disasters*–TV station researchers had found my Quake story online. I did not accept–the last thing I wanted to do was fly to NYC with the twin towers rubble still smoking. My advice, based on who I am(of course) is to do anything but nothing. By that I mean, sketch during daylight hours, by candlelight, write. You are in a situation with no electricity–notice, use your time, use your daylight. For a major disaster you will be in a state of shock. Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal each day. Take a walk during the day and pick up interesting bits (leaves perhaps) to sketch. Think how artist lived before electricity. You can use your digital camera as long as the battery is charged. Take lots of pics. Just figure it out as you go…if sketching makes you feel better, sketch some more. If writing is a release, concentrate on that. It may seem obvious but in upsetting situations often people hang on to their upset rather than find a release. So that is the goal for you to find, a creative release– what works for you…

  2. Pingback: Podcast: Give galleries what they want — Art Biz Blog

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