Merry Christmas

I hope your day is filled with peace, love, and joy.

Tofu with wreath
Tofu is especially happy when the Christmas decorations come out.

Thank you for your gifts and for being here.
Merry Christmas!
Alyson signature

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  • Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
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7 thoughts on “Merry Christmas”

  1. Many thanks for all the gifts you share so generously. Bolstered by your solid and hearty advice, I plan to move from elementary school teacher status to blogger/artist this year. (I’ve read your book and blog posts, admired your clear communication skills, resonated with your Oklahoma roots, and even have a story about David Boren which I’ll save for a cup of tea in person.) Best wishes for a wonderful new year.

  2. My daughters cat is identical to yours, his name is milo! Just had to share that!
    Thanks for all your advice. Although at this time I have to put my career on hold because my husbands has ALS, I hope to get some time this winter to produce lots of inventory for a future time in my career. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.
    Sincerely, JoAnn

  3. Alyson, Merry Christmas to you! Tofu is beautiful. Thank you for your gifts of generosity, inspiration, wisdom, and knowledge. May it return to you hundred-fold. Merry Mary

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