More reminders for your art business


To update your mailing list on a regular basis.
To say thank you to those who have helped you.
To follow up with anyone who expresses interested in your work.
To set boundaries. It’s easier to say “no” and then change your mind than it is to start with a “yes.”
To meet more people.
To get help when you need it.
To never stop learning.

That when you procrastinate, you are only putting off your dreams.
That no one cares about your success more than you.
That you are a work in progress. It will take many baby steps to reach your goals. Celebrate your victories along the way.

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Tired of being asked to donate your art?

Don’t be mad at people asking. They’re just doing their job. Instead, arm yourself with the tools for responding with the help of  this special report.

  • Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
  • Set limits on your donations.
  • Follow real-life examples.

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5 thoughts on “More reminders for your art business”

  1. I read these reminders and was able to place a “did it/doing it” check mark next to all of them! Thanks to your workshop in Jackson, MI last April I’ve been on a roll. My new blog is fun and getting attention as well as the newsletter. I’m planning a 2-person show for the fall, and I signed up to take a painting workshop as there’s always more to learn. Thank you, Alyson! Patrice Erickson

  2. Alyson B. Stanfield

    This is so cool to hear, Patrice. Don’t you love it when you can check things off your list?

  3. Alyson, first, many congratulations on “finishing” your book! That’s got to feel great. I have a question and this post seems like a good place to ask it. Both you and Clint Watson mention borrowing material from other blogs to incorporate in one’s own. Also you have mentioned having alerts for related subjects. I have tried google alerts for art marketing, art business, art blogs, etc. and not getting anything like I want. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, nancy

  4. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Nancy, did you read the article about Google Alerts on ? There really aren’t many for those terms you’ve mentioned, but putting them in quotes will help: “art marketing” “art business” etc.

  5. Hi Alyson, I just wanted to let you know that I finally posted the second part to my story about setting prices one’s own artwork. I would love to get your input. I’ve learned so much from your blog, thank you. Best, Courtney

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