My Code of Ethics

I’m discussing artist ethics in tomorrow’s Art Marketing Action, which led me to think . . . I have a code of ethics, too! I’ve just never written them down. I’m still working on this, but this is what first popped into my head as my business code of ethics.

I pay all of my bills and invoices on time.

I attempt to meet or exceed the expectations of my clients.

I admit when I am wrong.

I meet all deadlines.

I do my best.

I acknowledge when I’m not able to help someone or don’t think I’m a good fit as a consultant. I provide alternative resources in these circumstances when I am able.

I am accepting of all art forms. Even when something isn’t my thing, I acknowledge its right to be created and someone else’s right to create or own it.

If someone sends me an unkind email, I delete it, remove them from my mailing list, and restrain myself from responding. That person is not my audience, but I know that a response from me won’t change his or her mind.

I try hard to find the kindest way to say something.

I do my best to make my clients and subscribers look good.

I credit every resource (including images) I use.

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10 thoughts on “My Code of Ethics”

  1. Looks good to me, In my interchanges with you Alyson, you have stuck to all of these, which means they are realities in your practice. I think you could add: Deliver on my my contracts. Respect my boundaries. Practice what I preach. (OK, I know we all do the best we can with this one!)

  2. Thanks for sharing (as always) Alyson. I agree with your code and pledge to adopt those that apply for myself. If every business would follow these practices – – – what a wonderful world this would be!!!

  3. Yesterday I had the good fortune to go to gallery with fabulous art, and a wonderful jazz duet concert. It reminded me of the best of humanity, how we each can strive for improvement and growth and share that effort and accomplishment. The personal endeavor, and the communication of the process brings us all to a higher level… It was a sort of epiphany for me of how important it is to remember to do one’s best. This post by Alyson accomplishes the same, setting a personal standard which helps me remember. Thanks, Alyson.

  4. This is SUCH a worthwhile subject for artists and those who work with artists, such as you so capably do, Alyson. A few years ago I was asked to talk to art classes at my local h.s. in regard to Ethics and art (the school had this as a theme throughout its activities that year). It really made me consider all that and I developed a presentation that was also valuable for me. I would advise every artist to make their own list about this. And add items regarding using quality materials that last, and fixing something in an art piece if YOU know it isn’t right! Lynne

  5. Alyson, I think you are the most kind, reliable, open and honest person I know. I have learned so much from you and your manners are above board. You practice what you preach, and that says alot. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. Nancy

  6. It sounds like at heart you are a responsible person. Irresponsible people often don’t think how their actions will effect others or else don’t care. I think the core of an ethical existence revolves around being responsible. Some of the things you list in your personal code are no brainers in my book. Paying bills and invoices on time? Why of course this is what you must do. It really says something about our society, I think, that this one even shows up on an ethics list.

  7. An artist friend recently pointed me to this website: AMIEN is dedicated to providing, without regard to esthetics, the most comprehensive, up-to-date, accurate, and unbiased factual information about artists’ materials. It has a great discussion board as well.

  8. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Wow! Some of you made me a little teary. Thank you for your kind words. And thank yourselves for caring about this subject. I think most people do, but we need to be reminded from time to time.

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