PEARLS of Social Media Wisdom

It’s not just you. Everyone is overwhelmed by all of the options for online marketing.
In today’s Art Marketing Action newsletter, I provide PEARLS of social media wisdom. Here’s a sneak peek.

Angela Piehl
©2008 Angela Piehl, Pearls Kiss. Oil on birch panel, 36 x 48 inches.

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11 thoughts on “PEARLS of Social Media Wisdom”

  1. Just wanted to let you know that I have been enjoying your newsletter. They are short and sweet, well organized and motivating. Thank you. I thought it might be worth mentioning posting links as important in your ” Pearls of Social Media”. I love to be directed right to thebsource so I don’t have to spend time searching.
    Heidi Field-Alvarez

  2. Thank you for this today! I have just shared a post by Seth Godin that I thought was a good one. I totally agree with you about giving and not always taking. You made my day this morning. Good thoughts for remembering.

  3. I try to write my blog with these pearls in mind, before you even told me they existed. I think to myself “why would someone want to read a blog that’s entirely about me? It should be about them.” Of course I want to get to know my readers so personal stuff does get in my blog, it keeps it fun too.
    Thanks for breaking it down for us.

  4. Alyson, your newsletters are always of value. It is about the only one that I actually take the time to open, read, and click on links of interest. Thank you for adding value to my time and effort. I would love to hear more about each one of these pearls that you have listed here. Keep up the good work. Mary

  5. Thank you for sharing the Pearls of Social Media Wisdom. What a great word, breakdown and visual to encourage those actions. I enjoy, appreciate and admire your inspiring words and dedication. 🙂

  6. The newsletter is fresh and delightful and generous, and I have loved it for years!
    I have one small personal reason to wish it online. It doesn’t always appear in my inbox. For example, it came 8/24 and 8/31, but it did not arrive yesterday, and now I have no way to read it. The frustrating vagaries of the Internet!

  7. Thanks Allison…I needed to read this…I allow myself to get overwhelmed and am watching it and wanting to change the behavior…I need to realize I can’t do it all…I need to just do a few things well.

  8. You know what? You are so right – PICK a platform. I tried to do the FB, blog, Flickr all at once, dutifully posting to all with each new piece. Burned out now and FB was too time consuming, so now I am sticking with my blog and a few posts to the others to stay current. It can be very overwhelming and make you think like you have to do it ALL to be successful. Great if you have help, but if you’re like me, you would rather be in the studio.

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