The Art Biz ep. 11: Portrait Project and Museum Exhibition with Lisa Kovvuri

Little gives me more pleasure than watching a client successfully attain a major goal.

In this episode of the podcast, I share the story of Lisa Kovvuri, with whom I worked in my (then) Art Biz Inner Circle as she was starting her project, The Portrait Experience.

Portrait painting of Indian grandmother at age 94 by artist Lisa Kovvuri
©Lisa Kovvuri, Passing Hours. Oil on wood, 12 x 18 inches.

Lisa and I discuss:

  • How The Portrait Experience was conceived and executed at Whistler House Museum of Art.
  • How she found people in her local community to sit for her.
  • What she learned during the process.
  • What’s next.

We also find out that most of the paintings have since sold.

It’s been a joy to watch Lisa’s progress and the ultimate culmination of her efforts—the opening of her museum show.

I hope you are inspired by this conversation about how she accomplished her colossal goal.

Music: Keep It Simple by Wildermiss. Used with permission.

About My Guest

Lisa Kovvuri is an American figurative painter working in Southern New Hampshire.  Her work uses the genre of portraiture to explore the psychology and emotions we live and move through every day, with a goal of creating a compelling, personal, and intimate experience, both visually and emotionally, with the human presence in her paintings.

In addition to her exhibition at Whistler House Museum of Art, she was a resident studio artist there from 2014 to 2019 where she also taught drawing, painting, and printmaking classes.

Born in Oakland, CA and raised on Cape Cod, MA, she received a BFA in printmaking from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 1991. 

Lisa Kovvuri
Artist Lisa Kovvuri at work for her museum portrait exhibition, The Portrait Experience. Photo courtesy the artist.

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13 thoughts on “The Art Biz ep. 11: Portrait Project and Museum Exhibition with Lisa Kovvuri”

  1. I was excited to hear of Lisa Kovvuri’s Podcast because she paints the exact things that I paint only. It made me focus on the similarities and/or differences of Lisa’s craft which made me see how I am focusing on exactly what I wanted to paint in my portrait and figurative work. It made me see that what I wanted to focus on is falling right in the palm of hands, almost like magic or that the universe has been listening all along but I didn’t realize it. Thank you Alyson for creating this podcast.

  2. Lisa, a BIG congratulations for tackling and delivering on this ambitious project – you’re an inspiration! Thank you, Alyson, for your podcast and reinforcing the discipline of writing and the power of becoming your own “word-smith”. Having the right words at the right time can’t be under-sold – it’s the magic confidence booster! I believe!

  3. Jessie, Margaret, Rosanne and Deb,
    Thank you so much for your kind words!

    I’m so glad that after hearing the podcast you were able to have this insight into your own creative journey. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  4. Alyson & Lisa –

    thank you for sharing this informative interview.

    Congratulations on your successful exhibit Lisa. As you know, I am fortunate to live close to the museum and enjoy your portraits in person.

    All the best,

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