Reader's Choice

What would you like to see on this blog?
What’s posted here that keeps bringing you back?
What makes you tweet and retweet the content here?

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10 thoughts on “Reader's Choice”

  1. What keeps bringing me back, Alyson, is that you have put your heart into this blog. This is not a “do this, do that, and if you don’t know how you can pay me to do it for you” blog. Your posts urge action, and there can be no doubt that you don’t want to hear any excuses. Yet there is this feeling of underlying support about it all. I came across an old post of yours called Forgive Yourself the other day. I really needed to hear that. I implement the baby-steps strategy as much as I can to do a few marketing actions a day, but sometimes I give myself permission to just work on my projects for a few days. However, my desire to achieve is so ingrained, the need to please the teacher so deep, that I feel bad for always neglecting some task. As I read more and more of your posts, I feel that you would not frown on what I haven’t yet been able to do, but cheer me on for what I have. And that feels good.

  2. I’ve been receiving your email newsletter for a couple of years but hadn’t been over to your blog until I took your Blog Triage…now I have your blog in my sidebar and keep up to date with your posts.
    I can say, in clicking previous DTT links, that the Deep Thought Thursday is a wonderful idea. I am all about being grateful for what is and actually just copied this quote from another blog triage ‘patients’ blog:
    from Jack Canfield: “When you are in a state of appreciation and gratitude, you are in a state of abundance. You are appreciating what you do have instead of focusing on and complaining about what you don’t have. Your focus is on what you have received, and you always get more of what you focus on.” (p. 357, The Success Principles)

  3. I keep coming back for exactly the reasons Alex so perfectly stated above.
    Your blog inspires me, drives me and the fact that you give so freely is truly appreciated.
    It’s nice to feel connected to the artistic community through your blog, as well as the Linkedin and Facebook groups.
    Thanks for all that you do 🙂

  4. Alyson, your posts are thought provoking, educational, engaging to read. Very rarely does any one of your posts not at least make me stop and consider the topic. I like the diversity of the topics as well and the readability of your writing. That you cover so much means that there is very little that you haven’t touched on at some point, I think. That said, I especially enjoy the nuts and bolts of being an artist in business because so much of that I can use (not necessarily all at once, though, eh. Heh.).
    I can’t think of anything more to suggest! Sorry. If I do, I’ll post!

  5. I have been receiving your newsletters since your first year of sending them out. I have recommended you to so many artists, local and those I’ve met far away. Many of them have become your fans and they too recommend you to artists they know. What keeps me coming back is your passion, your insight, the bushels of great art-business information you provide, your encouragement, and the very informative comments that often crop up here from your readers. By following your advice over the years I have gone from being terrified over entering my first small local show to selling my work worldwide – and having the confidence to do so. I can honestly say I don’t think I would be where I’m at if it wasn’t for you, your blog, your newsletter, and your classes. Thank you for all that you do in helping artists make their passion their livelihood!

  6. Gwyn Vermeulen

    The only thing I can think of that I would like to see is my art! (lol) I have been meaning to ask you how you decide to feature artwork on the blog.
    But seriously, I agree with Alex too. As far as what keeps bringing me back, well the answer is pretty much everything! You have covered just about everything relating to the business of art. You give us so much great advice and thought provoking topics. I’m so grateful that I found you! Thank you, Alyson
    PS yay, my Gravatar worked. The pic showed up in the preview, and this is the first time I’ve used it.

  7. I have had some time to think about answering your first question. I get inspired hearing success stories about artists who come up with unusual and quirky ideas to promote their art. In your book you mention a few. Since I work in sculpture I would love to hear about artists that manage to do a show installation in a non-commercial space. I don’t mean someone who is loaded that can rent a space and invite just friends. No, I want to know if anyone is able to plan something big enough to draw a crowd and transform a space. I’ve heard about groups of artists doing one night art parties in secret places. However, I’m curious if anyone is able to make a show that lasts more than one night and that is accessible to many. I’m not interested in staging a party. I want to share how art can transform a space and make you feel like you’ve entered a different world temporarily. So, this kind of thing would be thrilling for me to learn about on your blog.

  8. I agree with the others. There is a lot of art marketing advice out there and applying some of it has been a waste of time and money. I’ve read 3 years back on your blog and everything you’ve said has been trustworthy.
    As for what I’d like to see, it’s similar to what Alex said. I’d like to see profiled self-taught artists who have successful (by your standards) national or international careers.

  9. There are two things that I’ve had on my mind lately and I’d love to see you discuss either of them:
    1. While I work really hard to provide exceptional customer service, the fact is that I’m human and mistakes are made. Thankfully, I’ve been lucky enough to be able to repair two of the biggest. What strategies/tips do you have for making things right with a customer? Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.
    2. You talk a lot on your blog about cultivating collectors. I have some collectors, but more of what I’d call repeat customers. The collector buys for himself, while the repeat customer buys for others. Maybe I’m wrong in seeing a distinction between the two. How could one convert a repeat customer into a collector? I’m feeling stuck.

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