5 Actions to Rock Your Facebook Page

Here are four things you can do to distinguish your business page on Facebook from your personal profile. These actions (especially #4) should give your art business a boost in visibility on Facebook.

1. Schedule Your Posts

You can now schedule posts on your page. I think this is a game-changer!
If you’re like me, you often think of 3 or 4 things at once that you want to post to Facebook. But you risk annoying your fans if you post them all at once.
No worries. Use the scheduler.
To schedule a post in a status update, follow the instructions in these two images.
Schedule a post on a Facebook page
Schedule a post on a Facebook page

2. Get a Branded URL

When you create a page, Facebook now asks you to give it a “Unique Web Address.” This seems to replace the old rule of needing 25 fans before getting a snappy URL such as facebook.com/artbizcoach instead of a string of meaningless numbers.
Facebook Page URL
If you already have a page without a branded URL, get one here.

3. Make Sure You Have a Good Page Name

As someone with a crazy-long page name (Art Biz Coach | Stanfield Art Associates) , I highly suggest you opt for something on the shorter side! It just looks better whenever you leave a comment as your page.
Perhaps the only bonus of not having many fans is that you can change the name of your Facebook page if you have fewer than 200 fans. Do it now before it’s too late!
As always, I recommend that your Facebook page has a different name than your Facebook profile (your name). So add an identifier in order to distinguish between the two: Your Name + (for example) Art, Studio, Fine Art, Paintings, Sculpture, Photography, or Ceramics.

4. Use Your Artwork as Your Page Avatar

You’re pretty cute, but save that awesome picture of yourself for your personal profile. You want your art to shine on your business page. Read #5 below to understand why it’s critical to use your artwork as your page’s avatar (profile picture).

5. Comment As Your Page

One of the biggest benefits of having a business page on Facebook is that you can comment as your page on other pages (business to business, but not business to personal).
Take advantage of this!
Just change your identity to your page by clicking on the down arrow in the far upper right of your screen.
Use Facebook As a Page
You leave your art footprint all around Facebook when you comment as your page on other pages. This is why you make sure you’ve done #4 above – so that your artwork is front and center.
When you comment sincerely and generously as your page and they can see your art next to your comment, you’ll attract more people to your page.

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15 thoughts on “5 Actions to Rock Your Facebook Page”

  1. Amanda Christine

    Finally! Scheduling posts! This is great and all great tips 🙂
    I have seen where using a 3rd party app (like Hootsuite) to schedule posts will result in them being less likely to show up in Newsfeeds- since post scheduling is directly through Facebook now do you think this will affect the priority of the post in a viewer’s feed?

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Amanda: Facebook Expert Mari Smith says Facebook is no longer “penalizing” third party apps like HootSuite. Still, you can’t help but think they might favor their own.

  2. Alyson, first of all thank you so much for all the info you provide for artists. The scheduling of posts is a great asset.
    On the subject of page names when I had set mine up I regrettably just used my name without an identifier behind it. But recently I found out you can put in a petition to facebook to have it changed. I did and they complied. I now have an identifier behind my name for my facebook page. So not all is totally lost if someone has done this. Also if you have legally changed your business name and have over 200 fans you can petition to have it changed.
    Thanks again for all your hard work.

  3. Mary Mulvihill

    The link you have to take you to branding your url, goes to a page for changing your user name. Is this the same thing?
    Thank you.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Yes, Mary. It’s weird that they call it that. They don’t in the new instructions. I’ve noticed it takes them quite awhile to update old instructions.

  4. I didn’t know you could comments as your page – that was an enlightening piece of information for me! Thank you!!!!!

  5. If you go to Edit Page and then Basic Information, FB will now allow us to request a name change. I just noticed that within the last two weeks and I was soooo happy. They do ask that you submit documentation such as a bill or papers to show that is the true name which won’t be a problem for me. Just need to make time to do it.

  6. Thank you very much for all your insightful tips. Very useful and I love to pass the information onto the gallery’s artists.

  7. Thanks for the great tips — unfortunately, the ‘clock’ on my pages is very hard to access and will not work when I do find it. I click on the clock and nothing happens! Anyone else have this problem?

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Sandy: It’s in the status box of your business page (not your personal profile). Is this where you’re looking for it?

    2. Thanks Alyson for your response. After looking at my Page again, it seems to be working. Must have been a poor internet connection. Thanks for the help!

  8. Greetings..I have set up my business facebook page after reading your advice..but now i am not sure how to suggest my “friends” from my personal f/b switch to it…looks like i can use one or the other? I am confused!
    thanks so much!

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