3 Ways to Be a Rock Star in Your Art Community

1. Be Seen & Make Sure Your Art Is Seen

Show up at art openings, lectures, and meetings.
Show up sincerely because you want to learn and want to connect. However, you’ll be just another friendly face until others know you’re an artist.

Jody Lee Art
Jody Lee with her work, Gravity Mine. Cut paper, 108 x 47 inches. ©2011 Jody Lee. Used with permission.

Exhibit your work! Exhibit it often! Extend invitations to all of your connections in the art community.

2. Be Supportive

Support other artists and arts organizations that are doing their best to nurture the arts. This means saying nice things about them and sending them “Way to Go” emails and cards when called for.
People may not always behave as you would like, but you’ll make more friends by supporting best efforts than by criticizing.
(Have you noticed that the people who criticize the most are those who are least likely to put forth any effort to contribute?)

3. Be A Reporter

Recently I implored you to write art reviews due to the dearth of arts reviewers. Some of you have taken me up on it, which I’m thrilled about.
Being a reporter kind of goes hand in hand with being supportive and being seen.
When you write about local artists, organizations, and exhibitions, you can’t help but meet people. You need material and they want to get noticed.
Suddenly, you’ll be on every media press list in your community. That’s pretty neat.

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4 thoughts on “3 Ways to Be a Rock Star in Your Art Community”

  1. Excellent points.
    I would also add to never discount the value of contributing to the art community – this could mean sharing skills, techniques, advice and even contacts.
    If you think that sharing your wealth of contacts and information is counter-intuitive, consider the fact that you most definitely will:
    – gain credibility (show them how good you are!)
    – expand your network (share contacts & gain new ones)
    – never stop learning (share techniques & learn what others have experienced)
    – inspire (remember – what goes around comes around)
    – get noticed (add value and let the word spread)
    Good luck!

  2. I am writing art reviews and profiles of artists. Check my Google + public stream or http://www.cjshane.com/art-ink/saturdayartreview/ for a complete set of reviews. And I recently published a profile of artist Nick Georgiou in Zocalo, a Tucson arts and culture magazine. Thanks very much for suggesting the need to write about art and artists in your postings. It’s been very rewarding for me to do this. Btw, I like Google+ much better than Facebook for many reasons. It’s a great place to meet artists from all over the world. ~~Shane

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