Send a note to someone who has made a difference in your life

HeartsYes, it’s Valentine’s Day–a day for love. But it doesn’t have to be a romantic love.

I use our very small Golden Public Library a lot. They fill all of my interlibrary loan requests, for which I’m extremely grateful. They currently have these half-page flyers out to remind patrons that it’s “Library Lover’s Month” (who knew?!) and asking us to email them with our stories.

I took them up on it and emailed them a big thank-you for all they do. When else will I remember to go out of my way and do this? I’d like to think I make a habit of it, but, like you, I get busy and caught up in my own world.

Make Valentine’s Day a day that you tell people how much they’ve helped and made a difference. Who has gone above and beyond the call of duty for you? Or, more importantly, who or what are you taking for granted?

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It's a time for reflection.

Make time at the end of the year to reflect on your experiences, accomplishments, and milestones from 2024—before you plan for 2025.

The Artist’s

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Reflect on the past year so you can plan for 2025. Get The Artist’s Annual Review 2024* PDF. Free with opt in.

4 life areas, 57 total prompts

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