Are you ready for a disaster?

What would you save first if a hurricane or tornado were headed your way?
How would you go about salvaging the wreckage after a flood or earthquake?
Do you have a fire safety plan in place?

Even if you don’t live in a place considered to be prone to natural disasters, you still need to be prepared for more localized disasters like studio fires and broken pipes.

Enter The Studio Protector

Studio Protector: The Artist's Guide to Emergencies

The Studio Protector (The Artist’s Guide to Emergencies) was created by the esteemed Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF), whose mission is to strengthen and sustain the careers of artists by building emergency readiness and relief support.

The Studio Protector–which is wall-mounted, like a calendar–helps you create and implement a plan. It features two spinning wheel charts that explain how artists can plan ahead for emergencies and reduce the impact of a disaster. Five “pocket protectors” or pullout guides provide detailed information about what to do in the minutes before  a disaster strikes, how to clean up after a calamitous event and how to salvage fire and water damaged items.

The Studio Protector wall version also coordinates with an online e-version that goes more into depth on disaster readiness, response, and recovery.

The Studio Protector is only $16 and proceeds go to support the production and distribution of artists’ emergency resources. This would be a great gift for any artist, but make sure you also have one of your own. Find out how to order.

I’m a huge fan of and donor to CERF and receive nothing for promoting this–other than the satisfaction of helping you prepare for an emergency and further supporting CERF’s efforts.

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3 thoughts on “Are you ready for a disaster?”

  1. Mike Pendergrass

    We just had our first tornado ever in my town of High Point, NC. We thought it could never happen…not here! Stuff like this happens in “tornado alley Kansas” not the “Furniture capital of the world” Anyhow my part of town missed the bullet by less than a mile. No one died but a number of homes were severely damaged or destroyed. I am currently renting but you can believe I now have renters insurance. Looking around at my small studio I realize just how long it’s taken me to accumulate some of this equipment and supplies that I take for granted sometimes. All it takes is one disaster and years of work can be wiped out in an instant. The strange thing about this experience is that the forecasters rating for this tornado that picked up a bus and tossed it across the road as a small one! Mother nature is awesome. I can do without a big one thank you. I’ll settle for watching them on the Discovery Channel! And I have no plans at this time for sketching one in action……for now!

  2. It’s just as Mike says, you don’t expect it to happen to you, but too bad it can…
    The studioprotector sounds interesting, will have a look at it 🙂

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