Some news you can use from the past couple of weeks in my Twitter stream.
This is exciting! I’m lining up author of #ladypainter for an intvw later in the summer. Gives us motivation to finish reading the book.
#ladypainter book club (Joan Mitchell bio) starts 1 wk from today. Join us for the art chat:
#Artists Just got word that Bento 4 update has a free template for labels, inventory labels, etc. via @JanTanton
How do you know when it’s done? via @ThisIsSethsBlog
Make it easy for people to work with you! Many artists have flopped b/c word gets around that they’re “difficult”
Sending out my invites to #Philly and #Golden artist workshops in the fall. Got yours?
RT @GrailyDind Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls & looks like work.
Is your Google profile in place?
Watched WITH Gilbert & George last night (great doc!) and have been humming “Underneath the Arches” all day. Living sculpture!
RT @jentheartist: @abstanfield I think u tweeted a while ago about artists trading art. See: < Kinda cool! Thx Jen
A date with the © notice proves that you © it before anyone else. Add a date to make it “real” @JudithGloverArt
RT @PublicityGuru 10 Social Media Mistakes We Bet You’re Making
#Wichita book event July 12 @Watermarkbooks Wld love to meet you!
Twitter Tweekly via @abstanfield
- Alyson Stanfield
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Tired of being asked to donate your art?
Don’t be mad at people asking. They’re just doing their job. Instead, arm yourself with the tools for responding with the help of this special report.
- Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
- Set limits on your donations.
- Follow real-life examples.
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5 thoughts on “Twitter Tweekly via @abstanfield”
Alyson, you mentioned our Google profiles. Have you talked about what we should include in our profiles on Google before? IF so, I missed it. What do you recommend? Do you have some examples you can share of good artist profiles on Google?
Karen: Google profile has you “fill in the blanks,” so it’s pretty straightforward.
Thanks. I’ll check it out soon. Didn’t even know that Google had profiles.
Why is ugly,angry, and just plain childish art loved so much by the critics? I FOR ONE AM MAKING A STAND! I DON’T NEED THAT STUFF IN MY SPACE,ON MY WALLS. My head does enough talking and I need something beautuiful to pull my head in the right energy. Ive worked so hard, as other artist have in growing and mature fine art. Is it because these artist cant realy paint a person likeness, etc….This kind of work leeds people to believe that anybody can be called an artist. I mean the standards today are not like the ones of mentors, Raphael,Botticelli,Durer,Leonardo da Vinci just to name a few.
Daphne: You sound a little angry yourself.
Can you tell me what in this post you’re referring to? I assume you’re responding to something posted above.