A regular wrap-up of tweets that might help you with your art business.
It’s not too early to send out Save the Date announcements for your holiday show or open studio
Are you addicted to staying in touch? You may be losing time. http://www.chrisbrogan.com/the-time-were-losing
Talking to artuntitled for the Artist Conspiracy. Good stuff – exhibit proposal advice
RT artnetdotcom: Check out MoMA’s multimedia website for “De Kooning: A Retrospective” http://artnt.cm/n0iWsg <Sweet! Can’t wait to go!
How much did/does your artist website cost? I’m mostly interested in what you paid a designer.
RT lisacall: Building a new art studio? I documented the decisions I made on my blog
Follow OccupyArtWorld for connection b/t art and #OccupyWallStreet
RT DenverArtMuseum MuseumDirectors Do you read the labels? Wonder how museum labels come to be? iheartSAM
I always recommend women use their maiden names for professional purposes. Saves troubles later. http://is.gd/4mWDqp
Give up your iPhone? Excellent article! http://is.gd/1lXNzO Thx to zen_habits for pointing to it
The ultimate guide to marketing on Twitter via copyblogger http://www.copyblogger.com/ultimate-twitter/
RT tina_m: Just bought this, LOVE it! Perfect mood-tracking calendar: http://ow.ly/6MTVX <I love that, too!
Should art museums be open longer hours? YES! TheArtNewspaper http://is.gd/mBFBux
RT PublicityHound: 7 new ways to display your blog on Blogger. http://ow.ly/6Hntg #blogs <Neat! Thanx, Joan.
Who is your choice for a living artist on a US postage stamp? I pick Jasper Johns. USPSstamps
You will NEVER have the time you want or think you need. But you will always get done what is most important to you.
Loving NickyKriel ‘s social media blog. Excellent info http://www.nickykriel.com/blog/
The lesson in any passing is to live, to love, to enjoy and to pay attention. That lesson is repeated every day in case you miss it.
Very sad about Steve Jobs’ passing. ThisIsSethsBlog asks the right question: What will we do with all Jobs gave us?
To get these tweets in real time, follow me on Twitter.
Twitter Tweekly from @abstanfield
- Alyson Stanfield
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4 thoughts on “Twitter Tweekly from @abstanfield”
Have you heard of a Juried, on-line gallery? My heart skipped a beat when I found it. I thought – now let me see if I get out of the pile.
Sorry – I will make it relevant to the thread – the gallery, apparently, does all the SEO, attends art fires, keep mailing list on behalf of a few people.
I use GoDaddy and design my site myself, but my husband uses a GoDaddy feature called Website Tonight. Runs about $100 per year for the middle-of-the-road package, has great templates, and is very easy to use. It’s web-based, so you can edit your site from anywhere, and GoDaddy’s support is absolutely amazing!
Good to know. Thanks, Jackie.