Twitter Tweekly for October 7 2012

#Chicago artists: Have you signed up for my Oct 19-20 workshop yet? Would love to meet you!
Grateful for #artist Nate Metz who shares his enthusiasm for my workshop in this vid
Follow Alyson on Twitter
“Mixed-media artist” doesn’t mean “multi-media artist” Two different things!
From my mastermind group: Market as you would want to be marketed to
Intvwd by @IndieMade re my blogging and my top 4 tips for new bloggers

Social Media

25% of my blog traffic is from Facebook. Yours?
You don’t have to copy my blog posts to share the message. My policies:
RT @PublicityHound: How to transfer your Blogger site to WordPress. [Get off Blogger! WP is so much better]
Did Facebook Decrease Pages’ Reach? further evidence u shouldn’t build your brand on FB!


Don’t count on people to see your message on Facebook. You need to use email, too!
An ! at the end of a subject line that says “October e-news” doesn’t make it more exciting
MailChimp puts open rate of art/artists emails at 17.5% Y’all have work to do! Thx to @clintavo for that link
This guy’s newsletter click-throughs ^ 215% thru a simple tweak. Perfect for #artists via @aweber

 Maybe Art, Maybe Not

“Artists don’t realize how hard their work is, so they do sell cheap or miss deadlines” Successful artist biz: #Detroit
8 art installations in North Am airports and their problems via @hyperallergic
Do you draw in ink? INKTOBER Day 1 via @Zite
The Most Beautiful Coffee Shops in the World via @Zite
Metropolitan Museum of Art hidden surprises via @Zite

Follow @abstanfield on Twitter for the most timely news for your art business.


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