Twitter Tweekly for May 3, 2014

A slightly annotated list of my top tweets from the past two weeks.

Worth Standing On Its Own

Online art sales to grow fast — study | BusinessWorld Online

Art Marketing

Top 10 Tips for being an artist fr award-winning artist Susanne du Toit… BBC News
pushing books ever further into the category of art objects via…

C.P. Seibt started giving away 365 paintings on March 21, 2014. This is #044 (May 3, 2014).

Marketing should be deliberate, not a secondary consideration #artmarketing#artbusiness

They’re giving away 365 paintings this year – for the love and hope only #art provides!painting-of-…@Paintings4Hope
10 Tips for Improving Your Art Sales | Professional Artist Magazine:…@reneephillipsny
Makers’ Moon is new software for #art inventory. Esp if you consign work. via @CuriousDziuba
5 Key Takeaways from #ICON14 that will Skyrocket your Business in 2014… via @patrick_conley
Stop talking and start listening: The Power of Shutting Up <excellent advice!

Social Media

It’s just around the corner: New Facebook Page Timeline: 4 Things You Need to Do Now to Prepare
They did what I asked you to do, which is invest in your own blog and site: How Jack Daniel’s reacted to Facebook cutting organic reach
6 Ways to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Brand < great ideas!
How Men and Women Use Mobile and Social Media Differently (Infographic)

Business & Productivity

12 Surprising Ways to Use Evernote You Might Not Have Considered
I’m sharing this because it’s so different from how I use Evernote. Not at all appealing to me, but it might appeal to someone: How I Organize Evernote: A Peek Inside My Personal System @MichaelHyatt <so dif for how I use it
Because you’re not productive without downtime: Why You Need to Stop Bragging About How Busy You Are
Leo Babauta and Zen Habits always has great advice: The Habit Action List
free E-Learning Program about Mind Mapping
you don’t have a time management problem, you have a priority management problem… via @CharlieGilkey
Don’t Confuse Activity with Accomplishment

Art , Art History, and Museums

About Juan de Pareja, slave assistant to Diego Velázquez: Discovering a Slave Artist and His Masterpiece
For the Whitney’s Move, Boxes and Burly Men Just Won’t Do <lots to consider when moving a museum
The gallerist had no idea the art was missing. Kinda scary: Man Attempts To Re-Sell Art To Owner, Neither Knew It Was Stolen
I once took an entire class on Donatello and would love to see the work in Florence, but kinda need that it’s coming here: Donatello in NYC next year?! Sign me up!…
Can you relate? Artist’s Statements of the Old Masters <ha!

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2 thoughts on “Twitter Tweekly for May 3, 2014”

  1. I would love to make a giveaway where the sales of all the paintings from this series go to WWF, the one and only organization I’ve supported for years. But for me this is harder than selling my personal work, emotionally – what if I’m unable to raise any funds?

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