RT @SarahPetty Sign up for #FREE marketingTELESUMMIT! Sept 28-29
When you got up today, did you decide it was going to be a good day?
So neat to talk with @TammyVitale today and hear about art community in So Maryland. Hope we can do a workshop there!
RT @ElaineCoombs “It takes a lot of time to be a genius, you have to sit around so much doing nothing really doing nothing” #gertrude p74
RT @artnetdotcom: New MacArthur Foundation “geniuses”: Mark Bradford, Rackstraw Downes, Camille Utterback, others http://ow.ly/qvRK
Google says they’ve never used Meta Tag keywords for search engine results and prob never will http://bit.ly/aCRHb
Just became a Facebook fan of Gertrude Stein! http://bit.ly/HNNZy #gertrude
Beware of your Twitter acct being suspended–and what to do in that event. From @susangilbert