You found our new blog home!

We are working fast and furious to get this site working and looking sharper than ever. I really appreciate your patience while we get past the uglies. (Don’t even begin to ask what those photos are at right. Placeholders.)

Please stay tuned. We may have instructions for subscribing to a new feed.

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  • Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
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17 thoughts on “You found our new blog home!”

  1. Alyson,
    This is really nice. It looks like you may have taken a blogging class from these brilliant women in Colorado! I can see their hand in this 🙂 Take care.

  2. While I like the new layout, I miss the red from the old site. I think the red connects it with the book _I’d Rather Be in the Studio_. That said, I think it’d be safe to guess that you have other book projects in the pipeline and your brand is more than just IRBITS. Personally, I’d make the header type a bit bolder, sort of the way you had it before. But that’s just one designer’s opinion. 😉 Looking good! How are you liking WordPress and Thesis?

  3. Beth: Aw, thanks! You do learn a lot by teaching a class!

    Brad: Thanks for checking it out! I tried to keep the red in the links, but frankly, it’s hard to use red AND a variety of art. Interestingly, these were the original colors of my business: 8 years ago! We’re not finished yet. We have lots of tweaking to do and a little streamlining/re-branding. As for WP, I had my newsletter on a WP blog, but it’s so nice to have this one on the Thesis theme. I got a bunch of help after fiddling with it too long.

  4. I hate to comment on the site since it’s a preview really but want to say congrats on finishing this major project! So far I love it and can’t wait for more.
    Great job!

  5. At least now I know why none of those links on the right hand side aren’t working… they’re in limbo! I hope you can get them back… the headings sound really interesting. I’m looking forward to reading more helpful info! Thanks!

  6. Hi Alyson,
    When I saw your newsletter announcing the makeover, I said to myself, hmmmm, bet she’s switched to Thesis! I’ve been using it for a while now and I really love the theme and am working on tweaking it to work well as an artist site. About to add a gallery and more….


  7. Elizabeth and Mark: Thank you for visiting!

    Laurie: Yep, Thesis. I wish it made a little more sense to me, but thankfully I enlisted some help from someone who is much more interested in figuring out coding puzzles than I am. 😉

  8. I hadn’t seen this new version of your blog – so far, very attractive and seems to be user friendly re: finding topics, etc. I’m also a fan of Word Press, and am in the midst of making it work for me as an ersatz web site.
    Thanks for the continuing stream of useful information over the years….

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