Photo Ideas to Shake Up Your Online Presence

It’s easier to make connections online when you have good photographs.
I know I’m relentlessly preaching the value of good language, but don’t neglect excellent photos. And I’m not just talking about photos of your art.

Michelle Wermuth Photography
Michelle Wermuth photographs nature close up. This image shows her actively engaged with her subject.

Never underestimate your audience’s desire to know more about you and more about your life as an artist. How about photos of . . .

  • Your art (let’s start with this at a bare minimum)
  • Your office
  • Your studio
  • You
Need more detail? I give 31 examples of various photos you can add to your promotional mix in today’s issue of the Art Marketing Action newsletter. The content is for subscribers only, but you can get the latest edition in your inbox if you subscribe by October 5.

What photos do you find people are responding to?

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25 thoughts on “Photo Ideas to Shake Up Your Online Presence”

    1. Heidi: In my newsletter, I was focused on subject matter – not really what to do with the pics. So, you’re right . . . maybe it’s another post.
      Have you made such videos?

  1. Thanks for the list Alyson! I’ve started adding some photos of my studio in addition to my artwork on my blog posts, but hadn’t received much change in response until I added my first short video, which included me, my studio and my work – Wow, that was a big hit! I’m now thinking about more ways to include video clips in my online presence.

    1. Ayn: Neat! I will have to go take a look.
      Writing this post helped me think about additional photos I could add to my own site. Ah, the power of writing. Good for the soul and the biz.

    1. I loved seeing these, Dora. In fact, I was writing that post as you mentioned your new red door. Kismet!
      And I look forward to seeing the studio in person when I’m there in November.

  2. I like to take pictures of my work in public exhibitions. Curators have great skill and make artwork look especially amazing.

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