Strategic E-Marketing: Everything Should be Connected

Are you driving people from your website to your blog and from your newsletter to your blog and website? And is your social media presence closely linked with the rest of your online persona?
Be sure you’re thinking of your e-marketing in total. Each element isn’t separate, but is part of your network of strategic e-marketing.
I love looking at a roomful of artists when they have an Aha moment–when they see how every piece of the promotional puzzle can and should work together. I use a lot of slides to get the point across, but let’s start at Point A.
You can start to unite your e-marketing efforts by making sure your links are in order. For example . . .

Alison Wilson
Alison Wilson, Rock Painting 2. Etching, 15.5 x 10 cm. ©2009 The Artist

  • Link to your blog on every page of your website. (And don’t call it a journal. Call it a blog, which is the word people will be looking for.)
  • Add all of your social media links to your home page, newsletter, blog, and contact page. “Follow me on Twitter,” “Become a fan on Facebook,” etc.
  • Add your blog feed to your Facebook page and LinkedIn profile.
  • Link to your website in a prominent place on your blog. But don’t stop there. Make sure you link to your Web pages frequently (at least once a week) in your blog posts.
  • Link to both your website and blog in your e-newsletter. You can make it a navigation link in your newsletter, but also insert relevant links within your text to drive more traffic.
  • Link to all of your sites in your social media profiles.
  • Put your blog and website links in your signature block, which is automatically attached to the end of every email you send out.
  • Add to your blog sidebars: Etsy (or similar) shop link, Workshops link (if you teach), Art link (sometimes it is so darned hard to find art on artists’ blogs!), Newsletter link, etc. You could make these text links, but why not turn them into graphic images? Images jazz up your blog and are probably more attractive to click on.

This is just a sample list. The process is never-ending! Start with these tasks and then expand. Every time you create a new online presence, ask yourself what you can do to make sure more people are aware of it.

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8 thoughts on “Strategic E-Marketing: Everything Should be Connected”

  1. Thanks for this Alyson!
    You just prompted me to put “newsletter” as a navigation link on my website. Before, to sign up for my newsletter you had to go to my contact page. This way visitors immediately know that I offer a newsletter. Also, I totally agree about the difficulty finding artist’s work on their blogs. I think this is why I don’t see many effective blogs for artists. We work in a visual medium and sometimes all you can see is one piece that has been recently posted buried in acres of text. Having a prominent link to a website in addition to having an area on the blog where you can see a complete body of work is a great suggestion.
    Thanks again!

  2. Love it! I’ve always wanted to feel a greater connection between it all. With two blogs, two twitter accounts and a web site, not to mention, okay I’ll mention my FB page and FB Original Impulse Fan Page, it gets a bit tricky to keep the threads united and not tangled!
    Great tips here that I can use right away. Thanks as always!

  3. Thanks for the tips, now I have some homework to do.
    I try to link my blogs to each other, or even add links to a previous article, I think that keeps readers engaged on my site for longer, hopefully it will also inspire them to purchase my pottery.
    Thank you,

  4. Alyson Stanfield

    Casey: Yay! A newsletter link. Nice.
    Cynthia: I write this stuff to remind ME to do it. I think the key is always asking “where else should I add this?” whenever I post something new.
    Lori: Absolutely! Linking to previous blog posts also tells search engines that you have good content on your site.

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