4 Year Anniversary of Art Biz Blog

The Art Biz Blog is 4 years old today!

As I tell all of my clients, start your blog NOW and figure it out later. This blog (originally called Art Thoughts) was pretty lame for the first 6 months. And then I had an Aha moment.

Check out my first post.

And thanks for hanging out with me on the Art Biz Blog.

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Tired of being asked to donate your art?

Don’t be mad at people asking. They’re just doing their job. Instead, arm yourself with the tools for responding with the help of  this special report.

  • Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
  • Set limits on your donations.
  • Follow real-life examples.

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26 thoughts on “4 Year Anniversary of Art Biz Blog”

  1. Congratulations Alyson! I certainly appreciate your time and effort. I have also been carrying your book around and it is being absorbed daily. Thanks for your support

  2. ¡¡Congratulations Alyson!! I keep you from Spain? A lot but I do not understand your language, if I understand the basics of your tips. Thanks I wish you that your blog to continue fulfilling years of age. Is when your books or videos in Spanish?

  3. Congratulations! My day always begins with a visit to your site to read and think. And, although I’m not a regular commenter, I really do appreciate the information you present and the general generosity of spirit of this blog. Happy 4th! Cheers, Nicole

  4. Alyson, congratulations on four years of ArtBizBlog. I loved the first post, a precursor to what has become Deep Thought Thursday, perhaps. You show the way, every day. I was your first commenter! what fun! Wishing you many more years of blogging, podcasting, and paving the way with new was to connect.

  5. I just received my copy of I’d Rather Be In the Studio today – I know, I’m slow. I never go to movies when they first come out, either. But what a lot you’ve accomplished in these past 4 years, and what generosity you model. Congratulations, Thank you!

  6. Alyson, Congrads!Wishing you continued successes. Someone else in this thread mentioned your genorosity. I, too, notice that. Your openness to help, vast store of tips, and friendliness shine through on your blog.(I wasn’t surprised in the least that you take in “strays” on Thanksgiving.) Thank you again for imparting pertinent,practical, and profound artsy knowledge. I appreciate your free newsletter more than I can convey. Your book was already on my holiday wish list. Now I noticed, those extras! Marketing is definitely your baby!

  7. Has it been four years already? Where has the time gone? You’ve put it to excellent use. Thank you so much for your advice, so generously shared, all these years, and may the next four give you even more reason to celebrate!

  8. Happy Fourth Anniversary, ArtBizBlog.com

    Alyson Stanfield, the Art Biz Coach, started her blog four years ago November 30, 2004. I note this anniversary because Alyson’s information on building an art business is of supreme value to me. Her information and example on the value…

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