5-Minute Self-Promotion Tasks

Let’s say you’ve wrapped up one task, but there’s still a few minutes before your appointment. You could twiddle your thumbs, but you’re not going to do that.
Imagine how productive you could be in just 5 minutes.
Alarm ClockInspired by a recent book-marketing newsletter from John Kremer, I decided to come up with a list of what you can do in 5 minutes to promote your art.
Help me, will ya? I’ll start us off.

In 5 minutes, you could:

  • Send or schedule 5-10 tweets on Twitter
  • Update your status on Facebook
  • Write a Thank You note
  • Address and stamp 3 postcards
  • Clean off your desk
  • Comment on a blog
  • Decide to do the hard work
  • Comment on someone else’s Facebook status
  • Add 3 names to your contact list database
  • Return a phone call
  • Brainstorm a list of blog post ideas
  • Send an email to someone you’ve been thinking about “just because”
  • Meditate on the vision you have for your career
  • Review your marketing plan
  • Sign up for a class or workshop
  • Brainstorm a list of venues where you can exhibit your art
  • Read a great post from Copyblogger

Your turn. What else can you do with a 5-minute block of time?

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16 thoughts on “5-Minute Self-Promotion Tasks”

  1. Here is what I normally to when I have those 5 mins
    – Make a small sketch (I always carry a small book and pen)
    – Put the laptop down ,get up and stretch and take a deep breathe,and enjoy the sense of accomplishment of the recent task
    -Write down my gratitude/accomplishments
    – Organize my calender with the latest updates
    – Check out the artworks of other artists for inspiration…
    – Watch a video on Youtube about a painting technique

  2. It’s so true that we need to take advantage of each moment we have. I like to write a “Battle Plan” or a To Do list. By writing down all the tasks I need to get done I find it easier to focus on what I’m doing, I’m not in a meeting thinking about all the other things I need to get done. If I do this before bed it also helps me sleep better.
    I find it’s crucial to have a battle plan while I’m working. Otherwise I tend to wander a bit aimlessly through my day. It also feels good to look at the list and see all the things I’ve accomplished at the end of the day or week.

    1. Battle plans = good. “Game plan” might be a less aggressive term and easier to embrace. “Battle” makes it seem like a terrible fight, but I admit that sometimes it is!

  3. Great advice. Though, I should have had a cup of coffee before I read this first thing in the morning. I read “meditate” as “Medicate”.
    Off to pour myself a cuppa.

  4. Write down ideas for a newsletter. Notice the colors and shapes around you. Smile and make eye contact with someone near you.

  5. Fantastic – I’m going to copy this list, if you don’t mind, and post-it in my to-do notebook. The hard part for me is stopping. Oh, I have a couple of minutes, why don’t I… and then… I’m late! Dang!

  6. I have two options. First I could look at my ongoing to-do list and then prioritise which task I will do after the meeting – like Athene’s battleplan. 🙂 This focuses me so after the meeting I can start right away without checking what to do next. Second I have a 5 minute audio motivational meditation. Like the first idea, this helps me focus and attack the next task (or meeting) with full energy! I find having a few genuine 5 minute breaks during a day makes me more effective than trying to fill that time with small admin tasks.

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