@abstanfield Tweekly

Time for you to catch up with what you might have missed if you hadn't looked at your Twitter screen at just the right time. I have some good articles and resources for you, along with some humor and food for thought. Enjoy.

Looking forward to this novel about a painter's studio assistant–contemporary– a lighter read after #dekooning

From NYT review of book: "An artist is someone who refuses to work as anyone’s assistant."

Love the way John Graham is described in #dekooning "Not a great painter" but obviously a magnetic personality that had influence. Page 96.

Great marketing story about how Blue Canoe organic clothing started. Very personal and interesting pictures.

Sending almost $500 out to my affiliates! They ROCK!

Conan's "Twitter Tracker" is about the funniest thing I've seen on TV in a long time!  (via @mashable )

@WilliamRMoore TweetDeck allows you to see all of your tweets (@ replies, DMs, etc.) on one screen AND make groups that you want to follow.

What it took to get the Canadian pavilion running at the Venice Biennale (and the woes of the artist and curator)

World's 10 Greatest Ceilings (aside from Sistine Chapel)

Just rescued a finch in the middle of the street. Headed to bird sanctuary. Seemed appropriate to tweet about it.

Bird I rescued is safe at sanctuary. A red-tailed hawk, bad off, came in right as I was leaving. Sad. Those bird rehabilitators are saints!

@doraficher @hollyH20woman –> @christinekane recipe for greens:  You should sign up for her newsletter.

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1 thought on “@abstanfield Tweekly”

  1. Re: The Canadian Pavillion at Venice…Was just talking to an artist here who shows with 3 galleries in Rome…He went to the Canadian Pavillion at the Venice Biennale & there was a big sign reading “out of order”…(if anyone reads the article link, it was supposed to be a rear projection of a huge waterfall with a bunch of Indians superimposed on top…)To be honest, I think the out of order sign is a better symbol for Canadians…more apt…

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