Art Marketing Stuff for You: Lots of Activity at

I feel like I’ve been ignoring this blog for a few days, but there is honestly so much going on. Here’s a little taste:

I returned last weekend from a terrific workshop experience in South Carolina. With that behind me, I’m preparing for Sarasota in March, Michigan in April, and a nearby workshop in Evergreen, CO, in May. See more about art marketing workshops.

As I type, I’m waiting for a client to come to my office. We’re working on his presentation for art consultants and public art commissions.

Tomorrow is my presentation “What You Must Know About Snagging
Museum Exhibitions” for the smARTist Telesummit. I couldn’t be more excited to share this information to artists interested in seeing their work in museums. Oh, and just in case you miss it, my new e-book on museums will be available very, very soon.

I’m going through the details of my new member site, which I hope to have in beta version by February 15.

I’m booking new teleseminars for the next three months. I’m so excited about the line up! (Hint: It includes one prominent gallery dealer-author.) Feel free to leave any comments about guest experts you’d like to hear featured in teleseminars.

And, gasp, I really am trying to find the time to finish my book.

All this activity has me harried, so I promised to make time to take my very first yoga class this weekend. I think I’m the last person in America to take a yoga class. And I’m nervous about it–even to the point of dreaming last night that they put me in the back corner of the class!

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5 thoughts on “Art Marketing Stuff for You: Lots of Activity at”

  1. Alyson, if you burn yourself out, there will be nothing left for us. When you take care of yourself, you are also taking care of your clients and students. Just think of it that way. It is really true. We love you and appreciate all you do for us.

  2. I’m so inspired by all that you’re doing and know it will help so many artists. You have nothing to fear in yoga—a true place to unwind and restore.

  3. Alyson I feel like the other girls that posted. I have been doing yoga for about 5 or 6 years. I love it and try to attend every week but you know how that goes. When I was at your Anderson seminar I mentioned Beth Norton, my friend, yes I have friends :). She is creating and posting a mosaic a week on her Blog. If you have time take a look and watch her grow as an artist. Thanks for all you do and have a great time in yogo! I can’t wait to hear the results. Laura.

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