Been tagged: 5 Things You Don’t Know About Me

Kesha Bruce recently tagged me. I’ve been tagged before, but it was early on in the “tagging” phenomenon and I never participated. So, this is for all of those that have tagged me.

5 Things You Don’t Know About Me

1. I worked in the U.S. Senate from 1986 to 1988. Okay, you may know that, but you probably didn’t know that I shook the hands of these people: Lesley Stahl, Bob Woodward, William H. Webster (CIA director), Elizabeth Dole (then Secretary of Transportation) and too many others to mention. George Tenet (recently “retired” CIA director) was then my boss’s point-man on the Senate Intelligence Committee and was in my office all of the time (along with all of the other Intelligence whisperers). One year, my boss gave me his one ticket to the State of the Union address and I sat two rows behind Nancy Reagan.


I also appeared on the front page of the New York Times–sitting behind Robert Gates (now the Defense Secretary) during his first confirmation hearing to become head of the CIA (didn’t work for him at that time). My boss was Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, which was why I got the front-row seat.

2. I sew. Not so much anymore, but now I sew when I need something. Like this giant “kimono” (it isn’t functional) I made for our stairwell. I always wanted a huge kimono on the wall.

3. My dream adventure is to Egypt.

4. I’m a devotee of acupuncture.

After my 19 1/2-year-old cat died last year, I experienced depression for the first time in my life. Always trying to avoid any kind of medication, I got through it in just two acupuncture treatments. I can highly recommend Renae Einspahr, my friend and healer.

5. I have a healthy (not a word my husband would use here) appetite for any book or documentary about Hitler, Stalin, or other dictator. I took a ton of history in college, including a lot of Russian history. And I guess I’m just fascinated with power and those who abuse it.
Bonus: #6. I have known my husband (Robert J. Harrington) since we were eleven. We went to the same elementary, junior high, and high schools and graduated in the same class.

We never dated through school, but we both went to the University of Oklahoma and then to graduate school at the University of Texas. He was in the math and physics departments and I was in the art department. Somehow, we never knew the other one was on campus. There were no physics-art mixers! But we re-met at our 10-year high school reunion and then again at our 20-year reunion.

We were married 4 years ago (12/26) at the Congregational Church in Crested Butte, Colorado. (We’re kinda slow.)

Oh, yeah, now I have to tag 5 others. I tag Cynthia Morris, Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, Casey Klahn, Deb Chaney, and Jamie Lindholm.

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