Blogging to attract art collectors

“I have plenty of artists reading my blog, but what can I write to attract collectors?”
The assumption is that art collectors would only be interested in reading art-collectorish stuff. You’re imagining that art-collectorish stuff pertains to 1) money and the value of art, 2) buying “the right” artist, and/or 3) thinking about what to do with the work after they collect it.
The stereotypical topics we write for collectors include:

  • Caring for the artwork
  • Hanging/installing art
  • Starting a collection
  • Looking at trends in the art market
  • Appraising and insuring your collection
  • Loaning works to exhibitions

Collectors can get a lot of this information by just using Google. But you–not Google–are the expert on your art and your career. Collectors come directly to you because they want to connect with you.
True collectors are a sophisticated bunch. They collect art for the same reason you make it: Out of passion. So, show ‘em your passion. Collectors are interested in how things are made and why they’re made. They want to know the story behind the art . . . the secrets. Educate them, but never talk down to them.

Show us you are active

Collectors want to know you’re going places. Reveal–through your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.–that your art career is active. Talk about the following:

  • Exhibits you’re participating in
  • Gallery talks you’re giving and attending
  • Visitors who come to your studio (get pictures with them!)
  • Openings you attend (mention names and what you like about the work)
  • Works you’ve sold
  • Commissions you received

We are energized by your enthusiasm, so show that you are active and connected. Make us want to come along for the ride.
Don’t blog for collectors. Blog for yourself and those who are interested in what you do. But do show us what you do–every nook and cranny of your art that you’re willing to share. Most of all, make sure you are interested in what you’re doing. If you’re bored by a process or event, we’ll be bored, too.
If your work is good and you present it with oomph, we’ll be interested. (No, this doesn’t mean that you just have to use a lot of exclamation points!!!) If you have good content, you will gain readers. More readers=more people to refer you.
The other assumption in the question that opened this post is that you don’t care whether or not artists read your posts–that it’s not doing you any good to attract more artists to your blog.
It doesn’t matter whether collectors read your blog regularly or not. You’re trying to get eyeballs. More eyeballs=more connections=more referrals, which could lead to all kinds of opportunities!

We have oodles of blogging tips and hands-on help for your blog in the Blog Triage class.

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13 thoughts on “Blogging to attract art collectors”

  1. One of the things I do on my blog is to post frequent photos of ‘Works in Progress.’ Since I paint full time it gives me constant (and easy) blog content and, bonus, it forces me to sit down and write about where that painting is and where it’s going.
    I know some of my current collectors are watching the Works in Progress posts because they like to talk about what they’ve read when I run into them. Others like to go back and read about their painting and see the early steps. So that’s all fun. They are also my investors so they appreciate knowing that my work is selling and then when things they love sell fast, well they become more motivated to snap up the next painting they love.
    So the blog does help turn buyers into collectors, as Alyson has written about in previous posts, but I imagine that the question is regarding prospective collectors. The thing a blog (and twitter and your website) do is make your site more interesting and visible to those little bots out searching the internet to see what’s important. Because of my blog (and twitter) my website gets found by prospective collectors who then buy art. When someone is searching for a painting of, say, eastern Washington landscapes, my website and blog are right up there.
    Of course I do LOVE the community of artists I’ve found via my blog. That’s been important to me.

  2. Thank you for this great reminder of why we blog, and why our fellow artists are important to our career. You’ve really helped put the question of how to get to collectors into perspective.
    Thanks so much Alyson for your much appreciated help.

  3. Artists are not just eyeballs, artists buy art, too!
    Many of the paintings I have sold have been to artists, and I buy art (from artists…) with great pleasure.

  4. Thank you Alyson; You’re a huge encouragement!! I have a blog that I’ve been using sporadically for the past 2 years and over the weekend I FINALLY committed to posting out there 4-5 times a week. I’ve been reading your posts for a while and know that the counsel you give is spot on for the blogging, yet I was resisting it.
    By chance, or not, I read a quote by Georgia O’Keefe recently that advised artists to have 3 shows worth of work on hand at any given time. That was/is a great challenge for me, because I have a day job. My goal is to have an inventory of 50+ pieces by October 1st. This means that I will need to create about 25 pieces in the next 6 months. Ideas aren’t an issue as much as having the time to do the work and the funds to buy the canvases. God willing, I’ll be able to meet the goal I’ve set before myself. I think the extra blogging and posting pics of paintings in progress will help me to be more accountable and dedicated to acheiving my goals with painting and sharing info with artists and patrons.
    Thanks again for all the encouragement; I’m not resisting anymore!!
    Michelle 🙂

  5. Great post Alyson…and you’ve got me wondering. While I don’t blog, it might be worthwhile setting up a Work In Progress section on my website, and posting updates via my Facebook page to direct traffic back to my website.

  6. Thanks for this Alyson, yet another topic that’s been on my mind recently.
    I’d add another positive point as well: buyers may be reading but not commenting. I’d ask the person with the question how they know their readers are mostly artists? I certainly don’t know. Most of my blogger “followers” are artists, and artists make comments. But I know from visitors to actual shows that many buyers and fans are also reading – they tell me so! But they more often bookmark the blog, click the link from my website, or subscribe through RSS feeds.
    So don’t assume buyers aren’t reading and enjoying what they read. 🙂

  7. How do you differentiate a fellow artist from an art collector. Just about every artist I know is also an art collector. The two go hand in hand. Besides, artists can help keep you motivated and fuel the creative fires. Collaborations and friendships can result for those informal blog visits too.

  8. Great post, Alyson, and very encouraging, too. I’ve had a website for years, but in the past few months have integrated a blog with my website. It’s surprisingly, well, FUN . . . because I really enjoy doing posts, reading comments, and answering those comments.
    I especially like your advice to blog for ourselves, and to be free to share details of our creative processes.
    I found your blog by accident, but you can be sure I’ll continue to read it!

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Carol: I’m glad you found me and have enjoyed what you’re reading here. Please come back often.

  9. Pingback: Keeping an Eye on Other Artists — Art Biz Blog

  10. Amazing article and I need to do better on my blog. I think I need my mom to help me now 🙂 Today, I can publish my paintings on my blog.

  11. Pingback: Twitter Tweekly from @abstanfield — Art Biz Blog

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