Creating a Buzz by Shipping Empty Boxes

BoxArtist Franck de Las Mercedes was featured in the October issue of Art Business News (yes, I’m slow getting it on here). He paints boxes with notes on the outside: “FRAGILE: Contains  . . . [Peace, Hope, etc.]” All of the art is on the outside and he ships them for free.

I say: What a fantastic way to spread a message, connect with unknown audiences, and promote your work!

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4 thoughts on “Creating a Buzz by Shipping Empty Boxes”

  1. Jeanne Guerin-Daley

    What a wonderfully peaceful idea! Reminds me a very special gift I once got from my son when he was very young. He made it in school around Mother’s Day. It was a tiny wooden box that had been bought from the craft store and decorated with paper lace, ribbons and paint. When opened, the box appeared to be empty, but the accompanying card had a little poem explaining that it contained a hug for me! I was to open it whenever I needed a hug! I keep it in my bedroom in a place where I see it at least once a day and it always makes me smile!

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