Art is . . .
(If we can come to a consensus on this, we will certainly win some big award somewhere.)
Art is . . .
(If we can come to a consensus on this, we will certainly win some big award somewhere.)
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38 thoughts on “Deep Thought Thursday: (a good one)”
Now to go philosophical on us all: Art is … A thousand dreams of one dreamer. One dream of a thousand dreamers.
Art is Whatever. Poster by Milton Glaser.
Art is A way of life.
“Art is what you can get away with.” Andy Warhol
Art is like pornography. You can’t define it, but you know it when you see it.
Art is expressing onself by creating.
art is not a feeling , it is an ability …
You’re really asking for it this time, aren’t you? Art is seeing the world in a different way and being able to show others. It’s the visual expression of feelings and ideas. It’s beauty made by humans (or in some cases animals). It makes others react to it.
I have a BIG problem with the word Art, and Artist. I am called an ‘artist’ right along with a lot of guys that are called “Rap Artists” Ouch!
ART is a special corner of hell roped off by an authoritarian, controlling freak who worked at the DMV in the corporeal world, or was a blue-haired junior high teacher dedicated to snuffing out the aspirations of every student who sported a tattoo or a nonconforming hairstyle on the first day of class. [kidding] I’m still trying to figure out this synchronized diving thing…
Art is something that triggers an emotional response. it is something created with the aim of eliciting emotion from it’s viewers.
Art is emotional, real, and flowing through us all. Some of us know how to dig a well and tap into the creative flow. I’m happy to have found your blog. I’ll be back.
For me, Art is one of two things: Art is either doing my own thing, whatever that might be, to satisfy my own ego, OR…. Art is listening to God, to His holy spirit as he directs what flows from His heart through my hands and onto the canvas. When He says “put more white in,” I ask Him “where?”
For me, Art is one of two things: Art is either doing my own thing, whatever that might be, to satisfy my own ego, OR…. Art is listening to God, to His holy spirit as he directs what flows from His heart through my hands and onto the canvas. When He says “put more white in,” I ask Him “where?”
Art is complicated.
….and also funny.
Art is the root of: articulate artificial artifice artifact article artillery … anymore?
Art Is Not Just Some Guy’s Name – Yow!
Art is an act of creativity no longer defined by upper class males. Art is everything from beadweaving to painting, metalsmithing to knotting, pen and paper to crayon and cardboard and a lot more. Art, unlike science, is not quantifiable by any but the most initmately personal of equations. It is, however, qualifiable because art is, ultimately, personal expression.
“Art is expressing onself by creating.” (Posted by: Lauren | Thursday, 14 August 2008 at 03:30 PM) I vote for the above definition. It’s simple, to the point, and based on your own interpretation, encompassing.
” Art is Making Something out of Nothing, and then Selling it” FRANK ZAPPA quote that seems to make sense to many just starting out or struggling along the way.
Art is Everything, Art is Life.
Great question. Guarantees a wide range of responses. I’m still refining my definition.
Art is like philosophy; you have to draw the line somewhere.
Art is our response to the fact that the substance of things lies beneath the surface. Often the second doesn’t reveal the first.
“Art is an act of creativity no longer defined by upper class males. Art is everything from beadweaving to painting, metalsmithing to knotting, pen and paper to crayon and cardboard and a lot more. Art, unlike science, is not quantifiable by any but the most initmately personal of equations. It is, however, qualifiable because art is, ultimately, personal expression.” This is a great start posted by Patricia. Then we could add to that the theatrical and musical arts whether it is a play, a movie, a dance, a song, or small part of any of the above. Then there is the art of selling, the art of teaching, or any number of things that we say there is an art to if done creatively. So this complicates the definition – or shall we say expands the definition possibly even simplifying it to a much broader definition to anything that is of a creative nature. We could limit the definition to fine art – but even that would be a morphing definition that is ever elusive.
Defining Art limits it. Art like Love and Beauty must to without limits to survive.
Defining Art limits it. Art like Love and Beauty must be without limits to survive.
Art is the unmanifest made manifest. Joseph Beuys
art is an outward expression of an inward feeling, thought or idea.
Art is simply forms of communication. Everyone can do it, but no one does it quite the same. That is what’s beautiful and interesting about it.
I would second Paula’s – I was going to say: Art is everywhere if we only open our eyes. I was trying to come up with a clever acronym, A.R.T. but I just don’t have it in me right now. I’ll have to think about it.
Art is exported awe. I saw that in an essay by Michael Fredrick Davis Hemming and it’s always stuck with me.
Art is fun
I have a B.C. cartoon that that I just love. B.C. says, “My uncle Squiggley was a really lousy artist.” “How lousy was he?” “You could describe a thousand of his paintings with a single word.”