Deep Thought Thursday: New Year traditions ???

Okay, so it's not so deep, but give me a break. It's a holiday!

What are your favorite New Year traditions? I especially want to know about them if they involve art or business.

Me? I'll probably have football games on (although my Sooners don't play until next week) and eat black-eyed peas for good luck.

Anyone wearing yellow underwear and carrying a suitcase? (I have a friend from Colombia.)


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18 thoughts on “Deep Thought Thursday: New Year traditions ???”

  1. No traditions really — we wing it every year. 🙂 Although, my hubs says having beef curry on New Years is traditional in his family, but I think he’s just wheedling to get me to make beef curry. LOL I tend to get reflective and think about what I’d like to focus on during the new year — more ‘intention’ than ‘resolutions’, per se.

  2. Alyson, I plan to start a new approach to resolutions – simple, direct, and focused. In other words, work on one main task at at time until I master it. That way, I won’t get confused… you know… “What were my goals again?” I’m happy that you’ve had such a great 2008 and wish you continued success. Lori

  3. I don’t have traditions related to celebrating the day itself, but there is one thing I like to do in between all the looking back and planning ahead for the new year. A few years ago, I learned from a wonderful life coach how to create a “theme” for the coming year, rather than a list of resolutions. It’s more about setting an intention or a guiding principle than focusing on goals (although, a good theme will support your goals). It’s a lot more fun than resolutions – and works much better too.

  4. eating Black eye peas New Years Eve and New Years day LOL New Years day is usually quiet taking down Christmas decorations, resolution making today I have been blogging and twittering and facebooking. Went to church mass that was nice – prayers for the New Year 🙂

  5. I would love to say I’m proactive enough to have a list at the ready…my goals right now are to draw the figure as much as possible, teach some classes, and get into some great juried shows. oh and to keep selling art would be awesome! It gives me a chance to be a SAHM but also maintain my own identity…

  6. Yesterday with my I tunes gift card I loaded new music to work out and create. While organizing the content I had one art biz podcast. I usually opt for reading however I really enjoyed listening and taking notes while working in my studio and traveling. I searched and selected 44 Alyson Stanfield podcasts to listen to while on my nordic eliptical, on walks with Max, on trips, in studio or anytime. Happy New Year!!

  7. I like to begin each new year with a good hike on January 1st – no matter what the weather is. We’ll pick out a good trail in a county or state park and make a day of it. Usually it is pretty darned cold, but invigorating, refreshing – and charges me up for that crisp new year ahead. Being out in the elements and enjoying the exercise and fresh air also helps clarify one’s thoughts. I’m always amazed at how many cheery people I encounter who are out doing the same thing, out taking that New Year’s walk. 🙂

  8. I’m just a little superstitious. I believe the way I choose to spend the turning of the new year reflects the way I will spend the entire year. For many years I worked at a tavern, and always worked during the new year, but made a point to leave the tavern 5 minutes before the stroke of midnight with a sketchbook so I could make art while welcoming the new year. This year, now that I am a full-time studio artist, I spent the new year in my studio hard at work.

  9. eating black eyed peas (my Mom was from Mississippi…black eyed peas = money during the coming year. I have always hated the taste of black eyed peas, but she used to say: at least 3. so I did). And bringing in the New Year being with Husband (who is in music industry and usually must work) and a kiss. New tradition started this year: use your list for a year end inventory of my art! =]

  10. Here in Central PA it’s traditional to have pork and sauerkraut for New Year’s Day. I don’t eat sauerkraut, so just pork for me. Also, when I lived at home, my dad and I would make a bet each year and the loser would buy the winner a milkshake. Unfortunately that mini-tradition has gone by the wayside. I don’t do resolutions specifically for New Years, but I do work on my one year goals and make a plan for the upcoming year. Either way it’s a time to clean out the old and usher in the new.

  11. Alyson Stanfield

    These are great. Never heard of pork and sauerkraut on New Year’s! Or beef curry! I’ll stick with black-eyed peas. Make them tasty by adding: fresh tomatoes chopped green onions cilantro Pour on some salsa and you have Oklahoma Caviar–a GREAT dip for corn chips. YUMMY! And good for you. Yes, I took down the decorations as well. I’m surprised they lasted this long as I’m usually tired of them by December 26.

  12. Rosemary Gara-Hill

    As we are blessed to live by the ocean, we go to the beach on the first of the year and throw in white flowers for the Goddess Yemanja, who protects families, mothers and children. This year my 6 year-old son threw in his flowers accompanied with such beautiful intentions as Angels, Compassion, Positive Energy… Wishing all of you the best year ever! Thank you Alyson for the gift of your energy and inspiring work!

  13. Rosemary Gara-Hill

    As we are blessed to live by the ocean, we go to the beach on the first of the year and throw in white flowers for the Goddess Yemanja, who protects families, mothers and children. This year my 6 year-old son threw in his flowers accompanied with such beautiful intentions as Angels, Compassion, Positive Energy… Wishing all of you the best year ever! Thank you Alyson for the gift of your energy and inspiring work!

  14. Unlike most people, the first two weeks of the new year are my time to relax and re-energise after a hectic end of the year. I don’t make resolutions, but my husband does take two weeks off work and we just hang out together, planning what we’d like to achieve in the coming year and soaking up inspiration from books, magazines, documentaries and galleries.

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