It’s a waste of time – yours and your recipients’ – to send an email or tweet that only says you have a new blog post or have updated your website.
Use more enticing language in your newsletter, email blast, Facebook update, or tweet to encourage blog visits and more meaningful connections.
Below are examples of how I might announce selected real-life blog posts.
If your blog post solves a problem, emphasize that you have a solution >>>
How to add your Facebook page to your personal profile: (Lisa Call)
Your missive will also be successful if you pique the curiosity of the recipients >>>
Get a sneak peak of what I’ll be wearing to the Art of the State: (Wendy Edsall-Kerwin)
Must see: 3400-year-old paint box from an artist who lived during the reign of Amenhotep ll:
(Margret Short)
Ever wonder what a booth looks like at an art licensing trade show? See me in front of giant banners of my art: (Debra Cortese)
Proof that pink and brown look great together: (Casey Klahn)
They sent me a necklace in the mail and here’s how I updated it: (Charlie)
5 Women from history that inspire me to be a better artist: (Cathy Read)
Spend a few extra minutes on your next email or tweet to drive more traffic to your website or blog.
Drive More Traffic to Your Site
- Alyson Stanfield
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17 thoughts on “Drive More Traffic to Your Site”
Thanks Much for this post! I followed the instructions from Lisa Call’s post and linked my Fan Page to my profile. Good stuff!
Good work, Toni!
Thanks for the Link Love, Alison!
I’ve been having a really down day when nothing has been going right. Exhibition deadline on Friday and no time to spare plus children ill. Stress levels are very high!
Thought I’d have a break with a cup of tea and calm down.
Then I read you post… things are looking up! Feeling a bit better now. Thanks!
Cathy: Oh, I hope it was a one-day thing. Glad that I could add a little sunshine to your stress.
Yes it was. Thank you!
I’ve learned some valuable lessons about triple checking anything ordered through “Print on demand” services.
I wondered why the hits kept coming – now I see you drove them my way, Alyson. Thank you kindly.
I was just thinking about how you got me started on the internet, and wanting to post about that. Will try to soon. I just got started teaching workshops, and was telling stories about The Colorist blog.
Take care,
Casey: I KNOW. That seems so long ago that I was talking you into getting your art online. You’ve been so much fun to watch flourish online. Sharing your art with so many people!
Alyson, just recently I’ve added Twitter but am still a novice at using it effectively…your information is very helpful in learning how to use it better! Thanks, joni
Joni: Thanks! Think about coming to Golden or Philly in the fall:
All about social media.
Alyson, thanks so much for the idea. You certainly have my head spinning for ideas. I greatly appreciate the shout out to.
I definitely need to follow Lisa’s tutorial for FB.
Another great post as usual, Alyson.
Charlie: You have great fodder for intriguing tweets/posts. And Lisa’s tutorial is easy peasy to follow. Takes just seconds.
Your book was mentioned in a workshop on the business of art at the Portrait Society of America conference last month in Atlanta. Lots of praise and nodding heads when Michael Shane Neal mentioned IRBITS as a great source of advice and guidance for the studio artist. I’m reading the book now, and understand the wide appeal. Whoa. Incredible content presented in a concise, readable style.
I have been blogging for a few years and have a decent following. I suspected there was untapped value there, but am beginning to grasp the full potential, thanks to your posts. It’s renewing my interest in reaching out through social networks. You’re work matters, Alyson.
Sincere thanks. Candace
Candace: That is SO nice. Thank you for taking the time to post this. Shane is so generous.
Your work is wonderful.
If you don’t mind my nickel advice, sometime try changing your blog background to white. It will really open up your space and put the focus on the images. Not so heavy and easier to read.
Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for the advice, Alyson, I’ll give it try. Best, Candace.
Often it’s too easy to fall back into the “lazy” tweet. Need a little reminding every now and then! Less formal, more conversational – and relaxed!
And always ask: What will encourage people to click/engage? (in an authentic way)
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