The Art Biz ep. 121: Guaranteeing an Effective Project with Eve Jacobs-Carnahan

We usually start a long-term project with a specific goal or set of expectations in mind. 

Rarely does the project turn out the way we thought it would. More often than not, it’s better than we had imagined.

Capitol building made from knit materials artist Eve Jacobs Carnahan | on Art Biz Success
©2021 Eve Jacobs-Carnahan, Knit Democracy Together. Yarn, felt, knitting needles, enamel, foam board, rigid foam, metal tin, and dowels, 41 x 68 x 33 inches. Photo credit: Paul Rogers.

But before we can get to the point of admitting that the change might have actually led to an improvement in the original plan, we have to struggle.

We question our assumptions.

It becomes clear that we need to ask for more help or more money. In essence, we recognize we can’t continue working in the same fashion as before. We are forced to adjust to outside forces, like a worldwide pandemic.

About a year and a half ago I had Eve Jacobs-Carnahan on the podcast to talk about her project, Knit Democracy Together (ep. 64), which was developed to discuss the U.S. electoral system within the context of knitting circles. Yes, I said knitting circles. And, yes, this was before the 2020 election.

Together, the craft artists would knit blocks that would contribute to a state capitol building sculpture while they learned about the electoral system that runs our country.

artist Eve Jacobs Carnahan placing a drum on top of the knit Capitol sculpture | on Art Biz Success
Eve placing a drum structure atop her sculpture.

I asked Eve to come back on The Art Biz for an update—to look at how such a long-term project evolves. After all, the fragile ground beneath our electoral system has been convulsing. Surely some things have changed since Eve started her project.

And, yes, things have changed. Eve, through her project, has responded to this surreal moment in our country.

It’s difficult to talk about a project in the middle. It’s no longer fresh. The passion might be waning as things evolve. You realize that what you were once sure of is now more malleable than you had planned on. You’re facing options that you didn’t think you had in the beginning or roadblocks you couldn’t have imagined.

So it’s especially instructive to interview people at various stages of their projects.

I was most interested in talking with Eve at this point about judging the effectiveness of her project because it was created to make a social impact. Is it making a social impact? As you’ll hear, a fellowship Eve received is helping her with this process.

Eve outlines the 5 indicators she is using to measure effectiveness. Even if you don’t have a project focused on making a social impact, these indicators will be useful for appraising the successful reach of your exhibition, event, program, or teaching.


  • artist Eve Jacobs-Carnahan stands in front of her knit Capitol building while leading a maker circle at Kent Museum in Vermont
    Eve leading a Knit Democracy Together maker circle at Kent Museum, Calais VT, October 2021.
    “It all took on a new significance.” Eve’s project changed after the 2020 election. (4:27)
  • The reasons behind improvements in the knitting circle. (8:11)
  • The mindset shift that created positive changes to the project format. (10:02)
  • Eve’s preparation helped secure her fellowship. (11:41)
  • Collaboration changes and letting go of tight control over the project. (13:28)
  • The topics that the project covers now are not the same as the initial intended ones. (19:25)
  • 5 indicators to measure effectiveness in any project. (24:44)
  • Applying these tools to measure other areas of success. (31:40)
  • A look at what’s coming next for Eve. (36:40)
  • The evolution of Eve’s expanded exhibition. (39:11)


artist Eve Jacobs Carnahan with short gray hair smiling with knit bird sculpture | on Art Biz Success
Eve with her knitted sculpture in her studio.

Eve Jacobs-Carnahan Quotes

  • “I have definitely let go of some control, and that’s been good.”
  • “I realized that I wasn’t going to be as effective by myself.”
  • “I’m talking about what people can do to help strengthen the system so we don’t have chaos, all while knitting.”
  • “Change can happen step by step, stitch by stitch and with many people working together.”
  • “Artists who want to do social impact work definitely can be using these tools.”
  • “Think about the people you know, think about your relationships with them, and be willing to ask for help.”

artist Eve Jacobs-Carnahan with short gray hair black rimmed glasses yellow turtleneck and dangly jewelryAbout My Guest

Eve Jacobs-Carnahan makes mixed media knitted sculpture exploring democracy. She uses the comforting quality of yarn and the charming attraction of birds to tell allegorical stories.

Eve’s work appears in Astounding Knits! 101 Spectacular Knitted Creations and Daring Feats by Lela Nargi and garnered First Place in National Fiber Directions 2015 at the Wichita Center for the Arts. She was named a Creative Community Fellow: New England by National Arts Strategies in 2021.

Eve knit away stress while earning a B.A. in History with Honors from Swarthmore College and a J.D. from the University of Chicago. She lives in Vermont.

Follow Eve on Instagram: ejcarnahan

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4 thoughts on “The Art Biz ep. 121: Guaranteeing an Effective Project with Eve Jacobs-Carnahan”

  1. Wow – this is what I needed to hear right now. Since I’ve been working on a project to bring awareness to dementia, I had started wondering what I could do with this awareness I wanted to bring. This really got me thinking – because I want to do more than to have open studios where I donate a percentage of sales to Alzheimer’s research. I started a list of ideas to keep with me as I go through this. Thank you for this – perfect timing!

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Vickie: Yes! This is a great list for you to have—the 5 indicators. I also think your project is worthy of grants and outside support.

  2. So wonderful listening to how Eve’s project shifted and grew and changed. An essential and key part of our democracy, and respect and admire Eve’s commitment to making the process more transparent, offer facts and inform while bringing together people in safe places. Thank you!

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