Engaging Viewers

I was listening to my usual NPR this morning when it hit me: They are engaging their listeners more and more–just as museums are doing and just as I ask artists to do with viewers in my exhibits and self-promotion classes.

NPR Morning Edition has the "Storycorps" and "In This I Believe," where any old listener can join in the fun. Last night on NPR I heard a story from their Audio Experiences series in which a listener calls in with her story about a mysterious sound and we can all hear it.

My point? People want to be heard. They want to be engaged and asked their opinions. NPR realizes that the more people they can get on the air, the more they’ll build their listenership.

A lesson to be learned: The more people you engaging in seeing, thinking and talking about your art, the more you’ll build your audience. That doesn’t mean exhibiting your art only. It means creating opportunities for people to talk back to you.

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2 thoughts on “Engaging Viewers”

  1. I know of a very successful artist who has “title” parties prior to a feature exhibit. She displays her new pieces in her studio, tapes a piece of paper to the wall beside each piece and let’s party attendees list title ideas for each piece. She actually uses some of these titles. I think this is an excellent way to engage viewers and gain insight into what others see in the work.

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